Apr 04, 2013 14:22
Ever make a decision, then suddenly it seems like everyone is talking about making similar decisions all around you? Did it make you want to change your decision?
Everything from jobs to school to life choices, I feel like I'm second guessing things I thought I wanted, but wanting to feel the same conviction I had earlier in that choice. I know I don't want children, I do want to finish school, and I still have no idea what kind of job I want.
I know so many people fall into where they are, but it seems like most of my friends "IRL" have moved on to new places and stages of life while I'm still trying to figure out how to get dressed and be motivated to wake up in the morning.
I find myself irreparably unable to get past the minor details of each day to work towards bigger goals.
I'm still wondering if it would be easiest to break away from everything, move to some place new to find a new world and see if it changes my perspective.