Today was a good day :o) Tom came down from Sheffield. And he brought his fwend Rachel <3
Bad start to the day tho...I was sick...and Sarah had to meet Tom and Rach on her own cos I wasn't gonna get there until a bit later and Chan was late...typical.
I managed to get out to meet them tho, which was nice. First we went to Maccie D's and I felt worse :oP But I did see Bambi there :oP woooo!
Then after that we took Tom and Rach to the Ferens Art Gallery! Giving them a bit of "culture" hahaha. Then we got the bus to Planet Coffee and met everyone else, so there was: Me, Sarah, Chan, Tom, Rachel, Alex, Claire, James, Jola, Colm and Chris. Was that everyone? :o/ We had a drink there...but Tom and I don't like coffee so we had "cokes" but Tom was talkin the piss out of my accent when I ordered a coke, cos I sound dead common. Ahh but when he ordered one....Chris laughed at his accent. So it's all good. Tom spent most of the time takin the mick out of me *sigh* cos I speak funny...which I don't. tut. :o/
Then we went to Pearson Park...played in the park, lolol got some pics... on there...
Then we went to see the animals. Then we all played hide and seek, lolol. But of course there was 8 hiding...3 seekers (Chan, Sarah and Me) and it was bad cos these weird foreign dudes were like sat near us. Started tryin to talk to us, and I think they wanted something off me...cos they said "I have a friend for you" and I knew they meant somethin rood. :o/ I was like "FUX0R!" I went and found some of the others and rounded em up. Sarah and I were looking for Chris in some bushes and she scared me saying "these men might coem in here and rape us" geee ta :o/ lolol But I'm still alive *yay*
Then everyone went...and we took Tom + Rach back into town...went to some and Tom went missing for a bit cos we was hiding on a tram, lol. Then I hid with Sarah on a old bus :oP
When we went past this pub men were knockin at the window and waving at me...eeekkkkk! I was like "walk faster...!"
After that Sarah had to go :o(