Mar 05, 2013 12:24
Having made it a couple of months into the year, I thought I should have a look at how I was doing with maintaining my fairly trivial resolutions.
1) Post (at least) once per week: mostly successful. I have missed one week, but so far only the one.
2) Total fail, so far. I've still not posted the lists of books I read in 2011 or 2012.
3) Cut down on S/H book purchases. I think I've bought a total of four books in charity shops this year, two of them written by millionaires and one of the others several decades out of print. I have also acquired two books (both OOP and written by dead people) from the Seacourt booksforfree and three from ewx, but that's still only one per week on average.
3a) I've also been organised enough to dispose of over a hundred books I'm not going to read again (well, and a few duplicates I don't need), helping somewhat on the "piles of books everywhere" front. There should be another batch getting listed soon.
state of the fort