Huge Update and My Neurologist is a stupid C**T!!!

Sep 30, 2009 15:22

Thats pretty much all I have to say on that subject. But I'm still going to the appointment on Friday morning, because its the only neurologist in York county my insurance will take that isn't booked up for the next 3 months.

Going to ask for an EEG to rule out Simple Partial Seizures. I hope its not what is causeing some of my problems but it would explain a lot.

On happier notes I've lost more weight and can fit into all my pre-Maeve clothes. Still need to tone up some more muscles, but even that is going well.

Hopefully we will be getting chickens here in the next 3 weeks. Branden has to finish cleaning off some of the racks, and laying boxes first. Then it will be on to getting some rabbits. On a side note I found a recipe for Woodchuck that sounds promising. And yes woodchucks are what people around here call Groundhogs.

Other than that its time to collect the chestnuts and get the firewood chopped and collected.

Thats about all thats been going on around here.
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