Oct 10, 2006 14:45
Still pregnant, not even having contractions at this point. Part of my brain is screaming in frustration and the other part is calmly telling the screaming part to shut the fuck up. I will not be pregnant forever and I've already said a few times that I would take more discomfort than this if it meant I got to have a healthy baby in the end. I should just be happy that I'm not dealing with some horrible pregnancy-related side-effect. Just your basic discomfort here.
But I'm still grumpy, which makes Sage grumpy too. I put him down for a nap early today because for the past four days he's been falling asleep after being in his room for an hour. That means he was falling asleep at 4pm and staying awake at night until 10pm or so. Sound familiar? Yeah, we've been through this before. I'm way too lax with his sleeping schedule. He's waking up at 8am reliably, though, so I'm hoping that my attempt to move his nap earlier in the day will really work.
Today we went to the library to pick up some Curious George books and two absentee ballot applications. I figure that it will be really hard for Ben and I to get out and vote in November. Lucky for me, I got them just in time because the application has to be postmarked by today. I hurried to put them in the mail and then we went to Target. Our phone is dead and any attempt to replace the battery has proven useless, so I finally got around to buying a new one. We were still using an answering machine that had come with that particular phone, but I decided to just buy a cheap phone and then add Voicemail to our Wowway account. Boy, my life is sooooo riveting.
I also bought bassinet sheets and a present for Sage that Loki will "give" him when she comes home from the hospital. It's the Curious George DVD, complete with a CD of the soundtrack. Gotta love Jack Johnson! This means that the only thing I really need to do before the baby comes is to cook and freeze some more meals. Buying nursing bras, setting up baby furniture, even figuring out how the heck my cloth diapers work- they can all wait until after she comes. Hear that Loki? Any time now.