Dec 13, 2006 13:09
So I'm doing ok now. I mean, I'm by no means over anything. But I'm past the 24 hour crying stage. I'm coming to terms with all of it. I still get to see him all the time and talk to him. Last night he IMed me just to tell me about work, just like he always did. It'll be hard getting over not being able to sleep next to him, but really I feel like it's all ok because I looked forward to just talking to him so much more. So now we'll have a lot of time to talk and such. I'm doing ok. I'm beginning the process. I'm trying to move on. Who knows what will happen next semester, but I have some hope that we'll get really close again. I don't expect us to ever get back together. If I meet someone next semester, I won't run away from it, but if I don't and the chance arises, I'd gladly go back to Bob. And I think that's the right way to look at this. More than anything right now, I just feel the need to prove myself as a friend to him. I can do this. I'm even ready to start eating again. It's ok.