one bad day

Jun 11, 2004 15:59

so yeah today i was told i had a cyst and should get it removed, then i hurry to run around to get my errands done so i can be over for chris's house cuz we were suppose to wait till seth came over to go to providence place. so i was about 10 minutes late but i called chris to let him know. once i got over it was hot as hell outside and i have the heat. i like air conditioning and want to be indoors. then i get over and i have to stand outside cuz chris and his dad are loading stuff and it was taking them an hour. after an hour chris then has to take the truck to unload it somewhere and leaves me at his house alone to wait incase seth comes to his house. well seth never came or called and i think he forgot about the whole day, so yeah he got out of class and desided to go pick up his girlfriend and go eat, not that we couldn't have eaten at providence place. but then after i ahve been here for two hpours, it is now 3 pm, chris's only suggestion was mini golf. i cahnged out of my black pants but didin't bring shorts. so i still have blue jeans. and by the way my mom also told me how fat i am getting and how chubbly i look in things, that was a great thing for a mother to say since she is the one that put on over 40 pounds, and i have been working a lot and havne't been out exercising. okay back to the rest of the day. we get to mini golf, it is hot and i am already iritated and not feeling well, and constantly thinking about what i am goign to do about my foot, as to how i am going to get it to stop hurting while i am on my feet for 9 hours a day. then i sucked at mini golf, and like majorly. i would get a 4 when chris would get a 2. he got a hole-in-one and i wasn't even close. every hole i would hit the corner and it would bounce farther away. it was just horrible. and then i started to think about the doctors and i was also thinking about how my dad hasn't been to the docotrs in over 2 years and needs to get blood work done and needs a physical. so yeah. and now i am here and want to go home and crawl int0 bed, cuz i got no sleep last night and kept tossing and turning and had to wake up early to go to the doctors.

so i have not gone to providence place, i now own chris dinner and i am tired. not a great combo, well not for today. i am going to now go home and put on some shorts, but once i get home my ohouse is air condintioned and will be cold so i will ahve to curl up in a blanket and i think i will just take a nap and maybe watch a movie....hoping my day might get a little better... if anyone wants me call the cell or call my house. if i am awake i will call you back. it is just after 4 now, so if anyone wants to go to rosies or something tonight, for dinner or a late night snack, let me know. i have nothing better to do on my day off.....

hope everyone else isn't havin such a miserable day as i have had, and it is so nice out, sunny and all, and i am having the worst day of the summer, go figure that one..... bye to all....
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