(no subject)

Sep 24, 2004 19:54

Since I can't remember how to do all the 'fancy-shmancy' stuff Ang taught me on here, I'll just make a humdrum entry this evening. I got to enjoy spending time with my husband tonight...ok, all you sickos need to get your minds out of the gutter. One always wonders if once their kids have grown and become more independent if they'll actually still have anything in common with their spouses. Don't get me wrong, I miss my kids when they're not here; I am just really loving being able to have time with just me and that guy....whatshisname...oh yeah, Gary.
Ya know what guys? One of the most romantic things a guy can do for a girl is to open a door for her. Gary and I went out to eat tonight, and all these other couples went to the same restaurant that we did...not one guy of the other couples held the door for the girl. Not one...that's so sad. Wait, I take that back, besides Gary holding the door open for me, there was one older man that held the door for his wife. It was so sweet. Alas, I really do think chivalry is dead.
Now it's time for Deep Reflections (from a shallow mind):
Did you know that the reason men have nipples is because every fetus begins as a female? Yep, it's true. Then that whole 'here comes the genitals' part kicks in and changes alot of them there fetuses.
Now all you daredevils take heed....warning on the back of a box of Gobstoppers: Careful: Small objects, like hard candy, may inadvertently become lodged in the throat. There, you now have two totally useless pieces of trivia stuck in your brain that weren't there before. You may thank me later.
I've taken enough of your time with my ramblings......God Bless & Take Care...Marion

PS (is it proper etiquette to put a PS on a live journal entry?) Never go swimming in a mud bog during the Testicle Festival in Wyoming while wearing 10 year old socks and singing "Oops I Did It Again" by Brittany Spears to your dog's former owner's Shetland pony on Wednesday. (It's bad karma)
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