After a week of stress and deadlines and veterinary visits and not nearly enough "me" time, I decided that today was going to be Cooking Project Day. In honor of the date, that meant creamy potato soup and Irish soda bread. They came out well! (Though the bottom of the soup pot is going to be an adventure to clean... I don't envy
angelus7988 that job.) I can post recipes if anyone is interested; I found the soda bread recipe online, but for the soup, I sort of took two or three recipes I found online and drove them together in a high-speed collision, in order to end up with something closer to what I wanted. *shrug* It was tasty. A little went a long way, though; there's plenty of leftovers for tomorrow!
Now, I'm almost halfway through the writing jobs I have due tonight/this morning, so I should get back to that. And at some point I really should start a cooking/baking blog. I just have to get
angelus7988's digital camera plugged in and figure out how to take pictures that don't suck. And maybe learn some HTML. Hush.