(no subject)

Apr 28, 2008 08:50

This morning was the morning of the longest blinks in history. I woke up, sat up, turned on the heater so I could shower and get dressed for work, sat down to watch the morning news while the apartment heated up... blinked once and 10 minutes had passed... blinked again and 20 more minutes had passed...

Yeah, needless to say, I did NOT want to wake up this morning. :)

Ah well... 17 days left and counting until I'm unemployed again. Been applying for a bunch of positions all over the place. I've even applied for game company positions in California. As much as I never want to move back to California, I'll do it for a game company job... well, for one that pays enough for me to support myself, that is. I've applied for jobs back in Reno in case I need to move back in with my parents.

*sigh* My car registration needs to be renewed in 16 days, my drivers license needs to be renewed in 11 days and I get laid off in 17? I don't even know if I'm going to be living in this state for more than another month or two... seems like a terrible waste of money to pay to register both, but timing of life events has never been a skill of mine...

I did, at least, manage to watch the last of Dragonauts: The Resonance last night. Not the best anime I've ever seen, but it had an interesting premise... it unfortunately had so many seemingly unfounded shifts in character personalities at times that it really jerked the viewer around. There was no real explanation as to why Widow died when she did, no explanation as to why she didn't go insane when her master supposedly died (whoever and whenever that was), no explanation as to why Gio didn't obey Kazuki (unless it's a stretched explanation that Kazuki's desire was to protect Jin and Gio was the manifestation of that desire...?), what the hell is the Successor of Thanatos and why can it be shrugged off so easily (and it's another case of why does evil get a better wardrobe??)....

Aah so many questions. But for the more superficial set.. there were plenty of very large breasts throughout the anime. We're talking pendulous, back breaking, thank-god-for-zero-G breasts gratuitously peppered throughout, no matter which side you were rooting for... All I can think is that Prince Ansim must've been hungry when he resonated... that's the ONLY explanation I can come up with for Garnet. And seriously... who the hell lets a prince that young wander off into the forest alone!?

Yikes, I should stop ranting about this one. :)
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