Too Much Free Time...

Dec 22, 2004 05:10

For a myriad of inexplicably ridiculous 'reasons' (if they can even be called that), I often find myself disseminating the wisdom of the ages to my fellow proofreaders via the clothespins we use on a regular basis. I feel often compelled to pass on my own incredibly deep insights to those with whom I work, and writing my missives on clothespins seems an effective way to not only set forth the secrets of the ages that I have discovered, but also to leave in this place a legacy of sorts, as I know that for years to come people who work here will inevitably stumble upon some hidden gem that will, of course, open their eyes to the majestic truths of my own intuitive genius. Here is but a sampling of the sheer profundity of my insight...BEHOLD!!!!...

Absence makes the heart grow moldy.

Home is where the heart is building robots.

Never judge a book by its sister's boyfriends.

An apple a day keeps five armadilloes as pets.

A bird in the hand is worth a kick in the head.

'Tis better to have loved and lost than to have gotten fleas.

He who lies down with dogs does not do so on a futon.

Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you I'm a platypus.

In the dark, all cats are dogs.

Necessity is the mother of that kid who stole your lunchbox.

Anybody have any suggestions for me to pass on?

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