Apr 30, 2006 17:06
I havent felt like posting anything, but it really needs to be done.
Shawn is right, lifes too short to bitching about this crap. But some of us really need to open up a bit more. I'm the last person to be saying this, so its obviously a big problem. Laura and my grievance is that nobody ever contacts us about what is going on. We never know whats going on, so we make other plans. I was in university this year, so I missed a lot of things I really wish I hadn't. Andrews b-day stuff is what I have in mind - but its not the only thing. (And chandra, you really need to take a step back and think about things)
We're all getting far too emotional about this crap.
This is life, you live it once - don't spend your time making enemies. Just because you can come up with some snappy retort doesn't mean you need to use it. Because you're angry doesn't mean you have an excuse to let it brew. This isn't directed at anyone obviously, I know it applies to us too.
It sucks when we start to get cliqued or compartmentalized. Laura and I have obviously appeared to have broken off from you guys over the course of our relationship - but you need to stop thinking that. We want to spend time with you guys as well. I don't much like being on the outside of every situation. The end result is that I feel unwelcome wherever I go. Whenever we hear of plans it is always as a coincidence. Communication is broken somewhere along the line.
What we all need to do is either mass-email plans or actually talk to one another.
I think thats pretty reasonable.