The Scheiler Uglacy - Generation 7.17!

Nov 17, 2021 08:21

Hi my Peepz, Raelynn the Narrator is typing at Y'all. I have a cold. x( It's not so bad, but I got sent home from school after I sneezed three times during English class. Usually I think that Ashley Trentini - our wickedly strict teacher who looks younger than most of us, which is probably why she needs to assert her dominance all the time - is an evil dictator. But today I kind of like her, because she ordered me out of the school and to stay away for at least three days. :D I'm waaaaay behind on writing updates, and MK'la's getting ready to start her generation in a week or so!

Today we'll be visiting PQ and Milly at the Branch, and see how they're doing. We haven't seen them in a while!

It WAS capslock sorry, I mean it was Friday afternoon. The older kids were working the garden while PQ and Milly waited for the younger ones to come home from school. They were going to take them on a family trip before they all became troublesom teenagers, LOL!

Milly had lost her mind and wanted more babies. :C

Osvaldo Fresco: Where are we going, Dad?

Photon Qunder: Uncle Studs asked us to test out a family-friendly Halloween House.

Darwendy Symona: Why is Cleo Petra riding shotgun.

PQ: She's taller than you guys.

Dun dun dunnnn DUNNNNN!

Milly: What's the matter, PQ? I say, you do look a little pale. You haven't seen a ghost already, have you?

PQ: Milly, this is The House of Silent Despair! I saw pictures of it in Liranda's books when I was a child! It's an inter-dimentional portal that exists in several places in the world.

Fresco: Sounds neat! Let's go in and look around!

Fresco: Oh gross!

Mandelina Nature: I hope none of our friends are here yet! If they see this...

One of the things PQ was supposed to test was camping with pets at the Casa de Calabasa, as it was apparently called here. Noodle the stray came to hang out. :D I don't think the Branch should have more cats than they have, but the Eco Camp can fit in one or two more pets.

Susannah surprised them with a Beauty spell. :) She was hiding somewhere nearby, because she didn't want to upset children by being a floating head.

The first mistake they discovered was the table was dimentionally unstable, and it was only solid in the middle.

La Casa de Calabasa looked very different inside than the pictures PQ had seen of the HoSD. There was a Mahjong table where the TV room usually was. Instead of elegant gothic wallpaper, the walls had spoopy Halloween party graphics.

OHAI, here's JombiJimbi! The children had gone to bed in the tents outside. They thought it was very exiting to camp in a place that could be haunted by the Swamper Husk!

Noodle found a place to sleep upstairs.

Late in the night Nettie joined the session. None of them really know how to play Mahjong, they play a game where they use the bricks to try predict the future. It almost never works, because no one has seen Antenna Man, and he was supposed to manifest years ago.

The Casa had been made child friendly, so now there was Don't Wake the Llama instead of a bar upstairs.

Tynice Fronds came to check out the locations. She was probably pregnant after how she and Orbin behaved in the tents in the Pumpkin Patch, and she was becoming more interested in seeing what Arenanueva had to offer her future children. The garden around the Casa wasn't very scary yet, because it was still summer for the Branch. They're a bit timey-wimey.

Grace, the little terror dog, beat up a beautiful Siamese cat. It wasn't Kim, just a cat very similar to her.

Poor Wicked Witch of the West.

The place defitely needed more things for children to do, because all Wendy and Mandy find to entertain themselves was playing DWtL, watching TV or reading.

Downstairs, Fresco was playing the Not Actually Mahjong game with PQ and Simon. He was in the process of asking Simon many inappropriate personal questions when he discovered that he had Antenna Man in his panel.

Fresco: Dad, what does that mean?

PQ (taking notes): Bringing pets is not recommended.

Wendy discovered that the kitchen was full of party supplies. :D

Noodle wasn't scared of the mural, because cats have no pop-cultural osmosis that includes the undead. Cats are wholesome like that.

Carlos and his obscure sister Ilvany came around to check the place out. Studs is their dad, so he recruits them from time to time to stake out the venues.

Seriously, don't bring pets.

Hey, look! It was Brazen Modesty! She liked the little dog Scout. Maybe they can adopt him when they move to the bee farm.

Babette Weatherly was MAD because the witches union had decided to go back to their old robes for a while, so the elders could stop being floating heads. Babz didn't want to give up her sexy miniskirt and scoop-back. She threatened to do terrible things to all the children who asked for tricks.

Friday wasn't happy about the table situation. It was a bummer, because those tables were so festive. :C

PQ: We've had so many Laws in the family, why can't we write a paragraph that says roaching is illegal?

Yeah, the thing is kinda I've been wanting to get a mod to prevent witches from spawning roaches, because it just gets so OLD. But I dunno, Sims live life on easy-mode as it is, and I already modded out Uncle Adolf. (He's serving 9087 outstanding sentences in a federal prison, so he'll be gone for a WHILE.) The roaches don't really make things difficult though, just annoying, so I think I'll do it.

PQ (still taking notes): Bring a family member with high neat-points.

Rumor Kreatura came by to scout for the Swamper Husk and Phantom Kangaroos. She's also heard a new rumour (LOL) about a huge hog-like creature (LEL!) that was roaming the countryside.

Oh no, this could get ugly.

And I'm not talking about the spider.

Milly: I cannot even recall what it was you did, back in bygone days. We both have our lives to lead, and a pointless feud will not be of any beneficial nature. I propose we call a truce and start over fresh.

Monty Malph: Alright, fine with me!

Fresco: Why did they make you make dresses?

Chandler: Cuz the nick's s'pposta be a punishment, innit. Dem weren't sexy dresses or anyfin. More like dey were kitchen aprons wif cherries on'em and stuff.

Before they went home, the kids picked a lot of pumpkins to turn in to Jack-o-Lanterns when it got to autumn again. The twins would probably be in college by then, though. :(

Fresco sprouted into puberty almost as soon as he got out of the car. He rolled Popularity, and likes smart black-haired girls. Oh no, he's gonna like Paloma, isn't he?

Lark was jealous because she hadn't been allowed to go on a vacation, so she took it out on Anakin with a pigskin. She didn't want to go with her parents to the House of Pumpkins, she wanted to go to the beach with no parental supervision, but her parents insisted that everyone got a move on with growing up before they suspended time again.

There was a lot of gardening happening that whole weekend.

Wendy: Maybe if Dad put another telescope on that balcony outside their bedroom, he'd have a better view to look for Phantom Kangaroos and monsters?

Rilly: That could be a good idea!

Anyway, look at teen Fresco. :) He's still very scray, which made Anakin worry that he had competition now. But The Elders said that their decision had been made, and the Heirs were Anakin, Wendy and Mandy. Also it was a good idea to keep some of the promising family members at the Spanish homebase.

Anakin was SO tired of the neck-brace.

Skip Squeemril came over to visit his fam. He never had any problems with any of them, poor Skip, he just had to stay with his twin Dino so that Dino wouldn't become completely antisocial and tip over the edge. But both of the boys had been good kids all the time they'd lived in the Eco Camp (for almost three years now).

Milly: Dear child, I'm your own mother. There's no need to greet me with such formal manners!

Milly: Give Mommy a hug!

Skip: Uuuuuuuh, I haven't seen you in years!

Yeah, he's a bit estranged from her. :(

OH AND BY THE WAY... Skip had the Flu. Yeah, even with no hugging he managed to spread THAT around. x( From here on, and until I tell you otherwise, just assume they're all chronically ill with the flu, because it was almost as hard to get rid of as the Rona in real life!

Maybe it wasn't just Skip who brought it with him, though. I think one of the other kids may have gotten it at the Halloween House.

Rilly led a community meeting about finding out everyone's future plans. Polly was almost an adult, and she wanted to move over to Storm and the Warriors. (They sound kind of badass when you name them like that.) Skip said that he and Dino were going on a secret expedition, and would be out of town a lot. He couldn't specify, because it was classified. :O Then later on, Liranda and Ian would come over for Anakin and Lark's upgrowing, and Anakin would go back to the Island with them.

Poor kids, their rooms are sooooo borning. It's like they live in dorms! But not really, because people customise their dorm rooms to look homey.

Lark noogied Polly awake in the morning.

Skip and Dino are very studily. I think they need Knowledge as their secondary Aspiration.

And Wendy is very creative and artistic. She should probably major in Art or Drama.

Wow, Lark has five best friends! Despite the fact she's pretty mean! I guess she can be nice too, a lot of the time.

Polly Esther had her 20th anniversary birthday! :D

She grew up well!

This is her make-over. It's autumn over at the Warrior Camp, that's why she's wearing a warm knitted sweater. She cut and dyed her hair in a nostalgic style.

She's in very high Aspiration score, so she'll be PermaPlat pretty soon.

Polly brought a bed with her, and got set up in her new home.

And Storm had finally got hold of a bottle of Neutral Witch Potion. :D

She looks scary enough to suit being an evil witch, and she's already green (but I removed the overlays, so the witches aren't actually), but that would be unfortunate stereotyping, and Storm isn't really evil.

Storm really needed an Aspiration boost!

This is her new look. :D I'm removing the witch outfit she was wearing, but I think I have it in more colours as CC. It was getting kind of cold, and they're living outdoors, so she got long pants in the mean time.

Dino and Skip had lived a very happy life for the past years, despite everything.

Summer: Mom, I gotta go. Polly's set fire to something on the grill.

I cheated everyone clean again after that, because it would have taken all night to have them all shower!

The wolfpack was bonding. :D

Tawny Holly: Are there any updates?

Storm: Yeah, a kangaroo was spotted at the forest tent pitch last Tuesday.

Holly: That's SO wild!

The nights were quiet and a good time to study skills.

Dino started befriending a Pack Leader, but he doesn't want to become a werewolf so he should be careful holding his arm out like that.

Polly had to buy another bed, because the one she had developed a jump glitch and started tossing her out in the middle of the night! :O That must be a terrible way of waking up, even worse than those "genetic memory" dreams where you think you're falling out of a tree.

I wonder if monkeys and apes have those dreams? That can't be good for them. I mean, when it happens to us we flail around, sit bolt upright in bed and gasp for breath for a few seconds, right? If you were sleeping in a tree, wouldn't waking up like that maybe make you lose balance on the branch and fall down to the jaguars for real? It just doesn't sound very evolutional. But maybe that's how humans evolved, because we started sleeping on the ground instead, and survived.

Oh yeah, and Summer got a job in law enforcement, so now she terrorises the oppressed criminal class of Arenanueva.

Andre seems like one of the nicest wolves, and I would love it if Storm could befriend and adopt him!

There were promotions! :=) And a visit from Grandpa.

Dino: LUL yeah, I wonder who could be spreading those...

During a ghost walk at the cemetery they met Uncle Monty.

Aaaand Jimbijimbi! Maybe they were studying architecture for their downtown plans????

Milly came to hang out with them! :D Good thing she wasn't mad at Monty anymore. Nothing ruins a solemn and respectful vigil like two or more people brawling and kicking up the flowers.

Garth Walker had applied for a position as warden in the jailhouse. He believed in an autoritarian approach to crime sprees.

The wolves emerged into the darkness from golden light.

Take a good look at Uncle Adolf, because I've put in a mod to send him down for some serious time. He may never return! :D

The twins were 19 years old, and had a daring plan for how to spend their adulthood! Polly just had an icky flu.

You've got to make some romance in your everyday life! THIS IS NOT THE SAME as when my parents suck face under a road lamp near our house, where people can SEE them when they drive past, OKAY? That's not romantic, that's cringe!

Friday: We need people to patrol the neighbourhood at night, and look for strange phenomenons that do not belong here. I know the skunk came from the plane Studs and me went over in, but I think a kangaroo or giant hog wouldn't have been able to hide in the cargo so easily.

Ernest: We don't feel safe having children, until we have indoor sleeping spaces to keep them in at night.

Summer started chopping up veggies for Grandma's soup, because having the flu just sucks all fun out of everything. It actually just sucks in general.

Awwwww, Noodle! <3 OUCH ERNEST'S KNEES though! D:

Noodle would like to stay with them, I think! (I kind of remember them adopting him, but I don't have the screenshot of the pop-up.)

Carlos: Cousin Ernest, we need to discuss a plan to keep our town safe from holes in reality.

UGHHHH CHANCE CARDS I HATE THEM! Actually I don't hate them so much when they give my peeps points, I just hate summing them up.

But what was this? :O Wilma was putting the flirts on Dino? He wasn't going to turn it down!

He's got some serious kissy-lips.

And he discovered how to use them! Dino was going to grow up in Platinum! :D

They bonded over chess while Skip painted a picture as a going-away present to Storm for raising him. Polly got a promotion, BTW. She's good at games.

Hooray for Buffy! And the twins made a decision to grow themselves up, because they had a secret plan to conduct in secrecy.

The time had come! Carlos had a knowing look on his face, as if he was in on something.

I didn't even get a chance to take adult pics (Um, not like that!) of them before this happened.

One cheat-clean later, they all had nice, safe salad for birthday dinner.

BTW Spirella was visiting. I need to remember that she's Milly's sister, so I don't marry her to a relative! :O

This is what the Lucky Trollz look like as adults. They finally got new hair styles! I need more punky hairs for guys.

tHE Wolf sisters spent a lot of their nights tending to the garden, because living off the land requires high effort on behalf of the individual.

Next morning the Trolls said goodbye to the pets, and then while everyone was at work or asleep, a mysterious black van with a silent engine came and picked them up.

Back at the house, the rest of the family was SICK of having the flu already.

And Anakin was twice as sick of being Neck-Brace Boi. He told Lark that he'd had it, and he didn't care if his head fell off. There was no wau he was going to Isla Tropicana with that thing on.

Wendy and Mandy are very good friends and always hang out. They were really happy that Wendy had been approved for going to the Island and attending college.

Fresco really wanted to pet the skunk. He's not so academical.

But he's a nice kid and good with animals.

PQ tested Anakin's reflexes to see if he was ready for independence.

Milly maxed out her Creativity. She needed some points to buy potion with, because she wanted to stay young. Just because she was going to become a grandmother didn't mean she was ready to be a decrepit old lady.

Rilly watched hospital soaps and was happy she was done with all that drama.

She was still wondering about adopting some of the kids, if the next generation too became too big. But they'll try to avoid that. And everyone wanted to know what hers and Finch's baby platypi would look like.

The youngest girls are very talented.


Of course she wasn't going to step on babies! >:( And look, it was the right decision!

Have you ever been so miserable over homework that your teeth fell out?

Rilly got a terrible cramp in her arms from holding the game controller all day. D:

It was a relief to everyone that Anakin got along good with his only remaning bro, because that could be an important step in his rehabilitation.

Mandy was very smart for her age. :D She would be a great asset to the Quest.

Wendy started painting a picture of sunflowers, to hang in the girls' bedroom, so her grandchildren (if she had any) could feel her presence there. She was very forward thinking for a 12-year-old.

Oh yeah, Fresco had the flu. They all had the flu. x(

Anakin was testing his limits on a daily basis now.

The helipool accidentally cut down a tree on their way to work. :O

Hai Sasha! :D

Anakin: Imma play basketball on the varsity team.

It was the lucky 13th birthday! Hailee and Fertilia were the specially invited guests.

Mandy couldn't even wait until Wendy got to her cake to blow the candles out.

Oh my gosh, what happened to her lower face??

Look, it's barely even there anymore?! Instead she got a whole lot of long neck! She looks a little better as a teen, which probably means she's gonna get worse as an adult. At least the elders were hopeful.

Ewwww no, not Harry!?

She rolled Knowledge, and is going to love going to college! And she likes very vain men who are also traditionally masculine and can fix crap. No surfers, please.

Then it was Wendy's turn!

Here she is! Wow, she changed a lot too!

(Right here I started worrying that maybe both she and Mandy had somehow gotten the wrong faces, so I aged Wendy down to a child again. She looked the same as she had done, so I aged her back up. I think that got her kicked out of Don Sebastian private school.)

Wendy rolled Family, and she wants a red-haired stay-at-home husbando.

Promotion, whatever.

PQ and Finch both wanted to become Prestitidigidictators, and an opening came up in the job listings. :D

OHAI, here's shirtless Des playing chess with (shirtlesss) Ted. Anyway.

Let's end this update with the Twins' official teen portraits! This is how they look after a little make-over. Actually, Mandy still has the same hair, because it suits her.

I've got a lot of material for updates, so stay tuned! There may be another one already this weekend! :O That will be quite a long one, too! TTFN and Narrator ooooooooooouuuuuuuuut! :D

challenge, uglacy, scheiler, legacy

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