The Magpies are BACK! And this time they're in high resolution!
Have a link to what happened last time, because it's been years!
Editha: Dad, are you alright?
Gus: Secret ingredients.... 8)
Leicester was upstairs, shredding the riffs on Wesley's guitar. Well, Wesley likes to think of it as his special guitar, but he's not allowed to keep it to himself by any means.
Harr harr, guess what else is new.... x(
Wesley's kids are lucky. Their dad can do all his touring as time-travel, so he doesn't miss out on any of their childhoods. As you're about to see, though, Hester's childhood is mostly over.
Ferret & Wesley: MmmmmfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffPOP!
Oh, and BTW? Wesley and Leicester don't exactly get along. They started arguing over fandom, and you don't do that. Fights over fandom has led to murder before!
Wesley: Don't touch my guitar, dweeb!
Leicester: It's not just yours! That's not the way of the Trolls. We share!
Wesley: Well I ain't a Troll, I'm HUMAN!
Well, hello there! It's Josephine, the dog they "rehomed" back when they lived at the Magpie Mansion, because they couldn't give her enough attention. But now? Now then can! So with a little bit of cheating, JoJo's back home!
And since Callan - who "ran away" several generations ago - is also still around, he can probably move in with the other half of the family, down at Magpie Manor. They don't have any other pets he can pick on anymore.
Hey, that's Little Matty Branigan, one of the patients from the Starblooms' hospital mission. He has escaped from the coma ward again. Best not to tell his mom, or Doctor Montoya for that matter.
Hester didn't pay him much attention, because she came home and put herself into a coma for a while. Bennett didn't seem to have had a very good day of school either.
Louise knew what to do about it.
Louise: We have this ugly contraption sitting around, so we may as well use it for what it's made to do.
Bring on the Snow Days!
Better skate while the rink is still unburied! The thought didn't strike me while I was playing, but it's definitely happening now that I've thought of it: The Magpies have enough money to buy a separate ice-skating rink for winter months. They've come a long way since Douglas' days of sleeping in a Troll Barn and taking his baths outside.
Ettie came over for a visit. :)
Hester: I don't like Old People Music!
Wesley, do you freaking have to??!! It's almost always Wesley who starts crap between these two!
And I don't get why he thinks he can take on a SWAT-trained guy time and again, and not getting his ass handed to him.
Wesley: Fighting makes me so hungreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Wesley: Boo hooo and I even have to cook the food myself!
Yeah, poor you. Would you rather go back to your Mom's place and die in a puddle of your own pee?
Apologies to
sammyfrog for the colour scheme of the kitchen, but I can't think of any other colour that goes as well with pink as green. Maybe most of you disagree, but to me it just feels right. In nature pink is mostly found in flowers, surrounded by green.
Welcome home, JoJo. She's immortal now!
Greg: I guess I'm the one who's gonna mop up the puddle she made?
As soon as Edna got up from the piano, Ettie ran in and hugged her. For all her homicidal mania, Ettie's still really nice. And I'm just joking about the homicidal part.
I've made another executive decision, and that is making Edna and Mollie immortal. They're moving to their own little grandma cottage, and one of them (can't remember who, but I think it's Molly) has a desire to become a witch. She'll be a Good Witch, though. Dark magic just isn't the Magpie style. (Now Liranda, on the other hand....)
It caused great confusion in the Magpie Nest.
Ferrett: Bye, Auntie Edna!
Louise: Bye, Hester!
Wesley: Bye, Chester!
Leicester: Bye, Ferrett!
Hester: Bye, Leicester!
Bye, Molly! Take care! See ya later!
Bye, Edna! Don't be a stranger!
Bennett: Bye, Auntie Edna! I'll come and visit you! When can we sleep over at your house?
And now: Hester Birthday Time!
Flora: Yaaaaaaay!
Take a good look at Hester, because she's done being a little munchkin.
I let Esther Riley and Chandler Platz grow up with her. Unfortunately I lost the screenshot of her aspiration and T&Ts. She rolled Knowledge. Her Turn-Ons are Logic and Cleaning, and her Turn-Off is Full-Face Makeup.
Look how cozy and peaceful JoJo looks in her little tartan bed. :) You probably don't remember her at all, since she featured so little in the updates she was around for at the Mansion, but she was an elder dog when they rehomed her. I SimPEd her back to adult, so she won't die if I forget to reset her age every few days.
Gus is getting kinda spacey in his old age.
Oh no.
This was the point when I realised that Wesley and Leicester couldn't stay in the same house any longer. Seeing their dad pick on their uncle, and getting trashed on a daily basis, was having a terrible effect on the two girls.
Voilá, Hester's teenage makeover! I think it accentuates her features nicely. :D
Leicester: I don't want to live here, I have enough violence at work!
One of the guys had to go, and since I didn't want to kick out Wesley and separate him from his wife and children who he's got great relationships with... the only option was to relocate Leicester, who happens to have a girlfriend he can move in with.
You know, I have a sort-of plan for what to do with all their money, but I'm not sure how it would translate to actual game-play. Editha doesn't have much going on in her life apart from writing her silly romance novels. And while that keeps her happy, I feel like I'm keeping an extra person around who doesn't really add much to the entertainment value of the Legacy. (You know, other than being a drama queen, and that only happens when she's in low aspiration.) So maybe she could find her own place and build a shelter for a bunch of strays and the elder pets from the adoption pound. The Magpies would be happy to donate half a million to the cause. I would turn aging off at their lot and just let them live happily. But she would basically need a staff to help take care of all of them, and I don't know how I'd do that.
Oh Wesley...
Flora: Whee, now you know what it's like to be Leicester and me at work every day! And we don't have the fire-squad come to help us.
Editha suddenly fancied doing some arts and crafts.
She also finished another novel.
Marylena the Second came to deliver Editha's personal copy. I think this is the first time any of my Sims have ever gotten a copy of the books they've written, but maybe I just don't remember it.
Editha won her own pot-holder. She put it up above the shrine to her masterpiece. Um, interesting choice of cover.
If Flora wants to become a rocker once she's reached her Space Pirate LTW, I'll definitely let her pursue it.
Wesley: Why is your entire family playing my guitar all the time??????
Leicester: Why are you so psycho! Your childhood wasn't even dysfunctional!
Ha ha, Pop Pio Pip Dimwit called. I bet Ferrett has a lot to tell him. (Yes, her "official" name's Philomena. The name generator I used back in the day gave "Philomena Ferrett [Something]" as her name, and she's been middle-named ever since.)
Louise: I can't use the BBQ because there's a son-in-law blocking my way!
Chester: My toes are feeling very cold.
Wesley was in the kitchen, that's why.
Wesley: Don't think you can avoid me all day, Stalk-Eye!
Was Lee even there?
Leicester: I'm getting so tired of traumatising my nieces like this!
Hester ran to her room and cried her eyes out. Most of my Sims are little sociopaths who seem to live for the fight from the rugrat stage and up, but the Magpies have become a lot less savage in the past couple of generations.
Bennett: Look, Dad! I'm the smartest in my class, and Mrs. Swiller had to give me a gold-star sticker even though it made her cry!
Wesley: Yessss, go you! And no matter what Uncle Leicester tells you, you've got your brain from ME! :D
Leicester: Hey, Starling? Do you have time to come over? I really have to tell you something....
Wesley got promoted to Dog Bather to keep him out of the way for a while.
Leicester: I'm so glad to see you! How have you been?
Starling: Pretty good, actually. We've moved down to the sea, to this old house Mom bought. Logan thinks for sure it's haunted, but it's really neat to live in a bigger place.
Editha can't make all those prizes by herself. Who would write her books?
Wesley: Puh. I'm a world-famous megastar, anything made by ME is a lot more valuable anyway! Too bad her readers won't know. x(
Edna: Hi, I've come to visit, to see how you're all doing without our wise guidance. Good on you son, I think that young lady likes you!
Starling: Oh, I do!
Leicester: Starling, do you like me enough to marry me?
Hiiii, this is Raelynn! I'm so happy that Starling has found LOVE, and that he proposed to her in the beautiful sunset! That's the most romantic engagement ANY of my poor characters have ever had! Excuse me, someone's peeling an onion in here. I got to go.
Don't worry, it's happy shock. :)
Yeah, Lee was there alright.
How nice of Brody to sing them a song.
Go away, Brody. Sam, is your game missing a derpy teenager? I think I've found him.
Brody shows up everywhere, and I think that means he doesn't really want to be home. I'm getting a slightly fishy vibe from his parents, although I can't quite put my finger on it. Raelynn probably knows more about the situation.
Poor Ferrett, I don't think she's been getting to realise herself too much lately.
This is Leicester and Starling's engagement party. :D
Ewww, squid rings?
Yeah, but Starling didn't have to eat them. Don't worry.
But the happy couple weren't the only ones having a big day!
That's an interesting selection of outfits.
Ferrett wanted to write a novel of her own, and who was I to deny her that?
Leicester moved in with Starling and her family. And wow, I think that's the most money any spouse has ever brought into a family in my game! But they've got a very large house to furnish, so it's very welcome!
Meanwhile, his sister made her moves on his wife's brother.
Logan: Oh yeah, right there!
Awwww, but what happened to his hair?
Oh, thanks eh... Matthew?
Uh, Starling? Leicester doesn't live here, remember?
He came back to visit the next day, though.
Abbie: I think there's a dog here who's got bit of a problem.
It was Allegra, the grey wolf. You know? A family of trolls wouldn't be a completely wrong environment for a wolf.
Wear the costume, Chester!
And who should come with him on his disgraced trip home if not
sammyfrog's magnificent Kevin Duckling.
Ferrett's book, you guys!
Would you look at that, a little bit of nepotism got Greg elected to President! (Yeah, I know. President of a corporation.)
Hester thought Kevin was really cool.
I think Greg has clinical depression, because he just seems unable to stay out of low aspiration, no matter how well things go for him.
Starling, I'm worried about you.
And now: For something completely different!
Go walk on walls
Bring your friends
The smallest curled into the tent
She sold the wall
Sells the shirt
And now I know
A dirty nerd
Hello hello hello...
Turn the lights out
At the steak house
Here we are now
Eating tables
Help the stupid
They're contageous
Here we are now
In containers
Hurry up, because I think there's only four or five available. :O
Editha: I can't make too many, because I need to keep the value increasing with time.
Ferrett made flower arrangements to give as gifts.
The girls enjoyed their snowy weekend.
Chester did not. He was miserable and unfulfilled.
Bennett's time as a kidlet was almost up, and she made sure to squeeze every bit of childish fun she could have into her day.
Bennett: Doooo you want to make a snowmaaaan.... Come on, Hester! You be Anna and I'll be Elsa! Hesteeeeer!?
It got too cold for Hester.
Pingu: Dooooooooooooooooooooot!
Bennett: Maybe I should have made the snowman closer to the window, so he could have watched TV with us. I'll make another.
For some reason I like playing Sims through winters better when it's not winter in the real world.
Bennett almost froze to a snowgirl herself, and had to defrost in front of the TV for a while. Chester squeezed some studying in before work, so he could get some darn promotions.
From some angles their house seems to be located in the middle of a small town, and from others it appears to be on the edge of the great abyss of nothingness.
Oh, but what have we here? Look at that grumpy face. :D
Abbie: Hi there, pretty girl! Would you like to live with us and not get your paws so cold?
Abbie: With your own cat-tree and a lot of fresh kibble?
The cat wasn't very hard to persuade at all. Her name's Adoria.
Hester: But why do I have to be the bad cop?
Hester: Maybe a little bribe will help.
Flora wanted to become a City Planner, so why not start right away?
Lora had heard some unsettling rumours about her son.
Bennett: Yay! Puberty!
Hester: Do you even know what that means?
Bennett: Hi Dad! I'm in puberty!
Wesley: Uh, congratulations!
Adoria: I wanted to sleep in the stinky bed. :(
In profile Bennett looks a bit like Piglet from Winnie the Pooh.
The price does not include the book. That's $29 plus postage.
Here's Ferrett and Wesley on a date. Yes, really.
This is Wesley's relationship panel. He's only got one bolt of chemistry with Ferrett, so they're not all over each other all the time. They've still got a rock solid marriage though. And thank goodness he's not into her relatives.
I spoke too soon, he's into Ettie. And his own great-grandmother. Tallie and him used to date, and they're still BFFs. How different life could have been, huh?
She's not going to sell the snowman.
Editha's gone Perma-Plat! She must have written so much wish fulfillment that she started to believe in it!
JoJo's just super happy all the time. :D
Gus: Where's the dog! I can't see the dog!!!
JoJo: Oh no, he's a magician! He's made me go away!
The Troll is strong in Bennett, she likes being outdoors in all sorts of weather.
Pingu: Doooooot! There's a whole city of polar people here! I'm moving in!
And Gus has almost learned the command "freeze."
I feel like my Sims have pretty good lives, or something.
That must be why Atticus HipStar is stealing their newspaper. They have everything they've ever wanted in life, they don't deserve having a newspaper as well. Also, I think Adoria has murdered some of the happy Christmas buddies.
Oh no, this is the same chance card Orbin Meloncramp got, which got him demoted.
Wesley won't feature on Belinda and John-Egon's next album.
Spoiler: Ferrett is pregnant. :D
The family celebrated their incoming new member with a grilled cheese partay.
Hester: Why is the Easter Special on right before Christmas?
Let's have Grow Up Bennett Time!
Everyone except Hester recognised the specialness of the moment.
Here she is!
Popularity Aspiration. Likes men who can do all sorts of work around the house, and not predisposed to inappropriate attractions towards ginger-haired relatives.
She requested Black Forest Cake for her birthday, because the Schwartzwald holds a special place in Troll culture.
Her make-over almost made her resemble one of my childhood friends.
Abbie reached max enthusiasm in Music. :D She's in the zooooooooooooone!
I feel like I'm playing the game on easy-mode!
Flora started breezing right through her own new job too.
Hester: Let's play for money! Ten quid!
Bennett: Nah, Mom always says no gambling.
Being pregnant can make you feel very hot.
Hester: Go away, Uncle Greg!
Bennett: Ahhh, the fresh smell of a Snow Day!
Hester: Dad, I'm moving out. Seriously. Bennett or the new kid can be the Heir.
Hester: I quit. You can head this stupid family now.
Bennett: But I had other dreams!
Okay, they're usually not all over each other.
Bennett: Yeah, I quit too.
Hester: OMGosh, do you have to? Like right in front of the baby and everything?
Lady: Hi, I'm coming in. Your ancestor promised me sausages, I think.
Lady: Cool, you have toys and stuff!
Alegra: rrWUFF?
Hester: Awww, who's a pretty girl?
Alegra: Hey, Lady! Let's hang out!
Alegra: Come on. This isn't hanging out!
Gus: Dum-dee-dee-dummmm, this is normal....
If they can befriend one of the wolves, they're totally adopting it.
Lady and JoJo seemed to get along pretty well.
Lady and Wesley did not.
Lady: You picked on one of our own!
Who's this? A time-traveller?
Flora seems to have picked a good career. :)
Sharkey: Dad? I know you're in there. Come out and let us talk man to man.
We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the suuuuuun....
Ferrett: Hey, where did you come from?
Moonshine: Sharkey let me in.
What a well-behaved house guest.
OK, that's pretty badass. Irresponsible but badass.
Greg used the safe telescope to study the universe. I wouldn't mind him getting a green little "problem," though. Just saying.
That's Sharkey helping himself to the ballet barre, and this is a normal moment in the life of the Magpies.
I'll say they have!
Guess what time it is?
I skipped through several names on a generator, and I liked this one. Elling is a Danish name and literally means "Duckling." So in honour of their good neighbours the Ducklings, here's Elling Magpie.
Um yeah, where is he?
Guys, that's not your baby.
Here he is. Brown hair and eyes, and the same skintone as Bennett.
And Abbie, that's just not happening, sweetheart.
Well, then. It seems our visit to the Magpies has come to an end. We'll hopefully see them again in not too long, but I think Raelynn has a couple of Starbloom updates to share with us in the mean time.