Wow, the Macs live! I don't remember what happened last time, guys. Link here -->
Sean: Yessss, I'm outta here soon! Freedom of mind, here I come!
Elena: Don't forget to come and get me when I turn 20, okay?!
Sean: No, of course I won't!
Sadie: Awww, I can't believe two of my little babies are all grown up, and moving out!
Sean: Mooooooooooooom...!
Lora and her BFFFFF Lee (who's actually a repairman, but always comes home with her after work dressed in a Captain Hero outfit) seem to be a thing. I wonder if there's chemistry, of if they're just friends. Part of me thinks I should release Lora and maybe have her marry Lee, then I would age him down to adult. But this hood is so wrecked, I'm not sure I'll even be able to finish all three original Legacies before it borks completely.
If it does, I'll recreate all the families, but they won't all be in the same hood anymore. The Macs and the Mags will, because they're basically the same family, but the Starbl00ms will go off on their own.
I think Narrator would be very pleased to have her darlings live in a Carter-free hood!
Carter has his redeeming traits, though. He's good at paying attention to the cats. And I've made an executive decision regarding said cats: They'll be immortal from now on, and they'll be staying here. Elena was going to take Harriet and Marshall with her to Tallie's, but I've decided that Tallie can just get her own cats.
The Macs would be sad without their fluffballs.
A winter night descended upon the neighbourhood.
Sadie's time as Torch Holder was almost up, and I wanted one more safety net for her. She got a job, so she'd be sure to get food once a day, and stay out of the dangerous home for a few hours. In an ISBI, 100% of all fatalities happen at home, remember. So yeah, although she's in the Adventure track, she'll be safer there.
Stephen, or Tempest as Narrator has renamed him, will fit in well with the Starblooms.
Sean spent his final couple of days as a non-controllable obsessively cleaning and taking out trash.
Chazza and Elena have a lot in common, so I'm not surprised they're friends.
Sean took it upon himself to upgrade her intelligence a little.
Which leads to a question I've never actually thought about before: What does the Logic Skill actually do? I haven't seen it having any effect on my Sims' AI, so I've always treated it just as something they need to learn in order to progress through certain careers. But every single other skill has some practical benefit, so Logic probably does as well. I mean, apart from making them better at playing chess.
Elena didn't see anything weird about her cat shredding an object that wasn't really there.
Sadie got a promotion and a flu, and thought it had been a very productive week. Leicester Magpie came over to visit.
It was only a few days until Danny would take the torch, but I was pretty sure Sadie wasn't too far off from her Gold Badge. If she could make a Servo before she went feral, that would be great.
I think this toilet is cursed. People always pee themselves right before reaching it. :O
Elena: Go away, Stephen. Let me pity myself in peace. x(
Stephen: My name is Tempest. I don't know who this Stephen is.
I saw this dustcloud and my first thought was "Oh deer, I hope it's not the cats!"
Nope, it was Danny and Chaz Dimwit. Lora wasn't too impressed with Leicester's theory on violins and violence.
Poor Chaz. :(
Ohai, this is Blakeney, the terrible dog the Magpies set free as a stray. (Officially I think they rehomed him.) The half of the family that moved back to their old Magpie Manor don't have any other pets now, so they can take him back in.
Sean and Stephen Tempest Stephen left their old life behind, to join the slightly more stable(??) Nightinwolf Clan, led by Tallie, down by the ocean. Good luck, boys!
Lora hates cheese, for some reason.
Sadie was apparently very suited for the Adventure career, because she had all the right skill points for getting promoted. And if you're wondering if there's going to be more Magpie updates, the answer is yes! I've got pictures for a very long update. Ooor two very short ones.
Elena: Stephen and Sean totally failed Maths. And Science ...and Geography.
The Macs already had two sentry-bots, so just for the heck of it Sadie made a munchie-bot. None of my Sims had ever had one before, and I had no idea how it even worked. I was hoping it would bring food to any uncontrollable that was close to starving to death. Maybe that's cheating, but meh. I officially lost this challenge three generations ago, when a ghost pupper started berserking in broad daylight and everyone died from the horror of it.
Plz not to kill the Full Metal Chef. Sadie doesn't have time to make another! It would be cool if uncontrollables randomly used workstations, but I'm also suspecting they'd make only cleanbots, which would break all the time and leave trash everywhere. And roaches, and the flooooooooo and death.
Look at Bailey's traning progress you guys. Look at it. Am I seeing things, or is it red all the way down to the bottom? Daniel's going to have fun training this immortal shredding machine, once he takes the torch.
Then something triggered the Sentry Bots into attack mode. It's always a little scary when that happens, because I don't know if they're going to zap someone who deserves it, or if it's one of their own family members who's come to "borrow" the paper.
Target located. It was Chaz. :C
Chaz: Hee hee hee... Roast in hell Danny! I'm stealing the paper so you can't read Zits.
Vader: Intruder identified. It is Charlotte Dimwit, known enemy of the Next Master. Execute Order 66. I repeat: Execute Order 66.
Roger: Roger! Roger!
Order 66: *is executed*
Chaz: *is damm near executed as well*
Vader: Begone, evil wraith! *HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHH!*
Next up the FMC took off for a hunt in the night. I don't think it brought anything, because it just blinked out for a moment at the edge of the lot, then returned empty handed and went inside to deactivate.
Elena: Bedtime!
But surprise! She actually went to school! I mean, where else could she have acquired that homework?
Elena: If I stand perfectly still, maybe I'll blend into the wall and the 7pm HomeWork call doesn't find me. >:)
When Lora doesn't play with the cats, she plays the piano. Or exchanges lame jokes with Lee.
This picture made the Starbloom Narrator very hopeful. :O But no, I can't murder old Carter. It would make the cats sad.
After 15 years of playing this game, I finally discovered the source of the random formal wear that's been cropping up. When someone reaches max enthusiasm in music, and can get in the Zone, they change to formal wear to play the piano. And if I'm not mistaken, they don't experience motive drops while they're in the Zone, so Carter is safe as long as he stays at the piano.
Sorry, Raelynn. :)
Awww, crap!
Hey, do you guys remember when this was actually an ISBI, and the MacAvoys were too dumb to live? Yeah, that was good times.
Maybe.... not the lady with the crystal ball?
Wait, I thought Malcolm Landgraab IV was meant to be a corrupt businessman? Maybe it's just his face that makes him come off that way.
Vader went into attack mode again, but he just kept hanging in the doorway for several Sim-hours. I was starting to worry that he was going to berserk and zap everyone, but he didn't budge from the spot.
Maybe he was hunting the penguin?
Pingo: Dooooooooooooooot! D:
Nope, it was Kaylynn Langerak, who was just standing there outside the hedge, twitching. I guessed she had come to steal the paper and had glitched out for some reason. After I cleared her off with the Sim Blender, Vader was apparently satisfied that the threat was eliminated and went back to his pad.
Piper, the much less aggressive Dimwit sister, came by to visit.
Piper's nice, I like her.
This is how these two spent a whole day. Carter played the piano, and Lora stood there grinning and occasionally cheering. I suspect they have chemistry, actually.
Sadie got promoted. Oh, and Raelynn? What does a Deep Sea Excavator do again?
They dig the sea deeper so that whales and ships don't get stuck.
Right. So that's what Sadie's up to for the time being. With dynamite. Leicester seems to be her new best friend. If he wasn't engaged to Starling, I'd be tempted to hook them up after Carter buys the six-foot farm. (After an appropriate mourning periode, anyway.)
Leicester: Wow, you should really be on X-Factor!
Oh, and I forgot: When Lora's not playing the piano, or paying attention to the cats or Lee, she sings karaoke.
And here's how Carter stays out of trouble.
Even miss Elena My-Inner-Timezone-is-Australian manages to stay out of red need-levels and Aspiration fail.
If anyone from Australia reads this, it means that her inner clock is GMT for them.
Yes it does, Raelynn. Thank you for clearing that up.
There must be something wrong with me, because I started humming carols when I decorated their front garden.
Um wow, the shower is leaking through the floor! Time to call Arcadia Bradshaw and her wrench, because stuff is constantly broken all over the house.
Sadie: Yes, it is that bad! I've scuba dived into the living room to get to the phone.
"Someone will be over tomorrow."
Sadie kept her work-clothes on, just to be on the safe side.
Flora Magpie is one of her colleagues now. She's Leicester's sister, who was originally meant to be the Heir of her generation. Instead it became their youngest sister, Ferrett, who carried on the family line, because Flora was just a little too pretty. (I did so not just type "Laura.")
There was no way Sadie could get her Gold Badge and make a Servo in only two days, so Daniel might as well take the torch as soon as possible.
After the latest vaccinations against old age, Sadie had something like 160 days until elderhood. It's not as long as Lora had when she passed the torch to Sadie, but long enough that it's probably not going to be age that kills her. If she should happen to live until she gets the two-day notice, and the Legacy's still going on, I'll probably move her out when it happens. She's still making aspiration points on her own, so I'm guessing she'll be able to afford the elixir.
Behold: The extremely lovely personality of our next torch-holder. One nice-point. Mean and clean. He's basically Sadie all over again.
His first executive action was to order more groceries.
Then he performed the signigicant Coming of Age ritual of feeding his family. He prepared the traditional First Meal - Japanese ramen, which apparently requires a few drops of the heir's blood, willingly given.
It was followed up by the time-honoured antisocial rite of eating outside alone in the middle of winter. That's my edit of Lucky's Card Shack in the distance. Holy cow it's so ugly. I could probably bestow it with a gift of some windows. Then again, I don't hold out much hope for this hood's survival. It's got more corruption than an average government.
What a suspiciously appropriate book for an ISBI.
As soon as the weekend rolled by, Elena ditched the chains of civilisation and embraced her underwear-Simhood.
Danny: You're my almost naked sister, and this isn't awkward at all.
Everyone else left for work, so he was stuck with her as his only company.
I've been told that TS4 doesn't have morally questionable stuff like this. It does, however, appear to have a glitch that causes an elderly woman and her adult son to engage in an incestuous relationship in some people's games.
I had no reason for wanting Danny to stay a teenager for the last day, so he got to age up and become fully usable.
Sometimes I envy my Sims how perfectly normal their family life always is.
And so here we have adult Daniel. He's got his mom's full personality and his dad's entire face, I'm pretty sure. He may have Sadie's eye-shape. I was wrong before, when I thought Sean and Stephen had inherited all of Carter's features. They look almost exactly like each other, but their looks come from both parents. Appearance doesn't matter in an ISBI, howevz. I want a torch holder who can bring crazy back, and Danny's the best candidate for that since he's sailed the fail-boat pretty much from infancy.
But seeing him live life in a breeze and raise a happy family wouldn't be the kind of fun people read ISBIs for, would it?
Maybe I should have chosen Alice as torch holder after all. Sadie's been much too sane.
This is his first make-over, and yes he pretty much is his dad.
Carter has got three best friends. All of them are probably kids his offspring brought over after school.
Either the Pack Leader was jealous that Elena was paying attention to Harriet and not to him, or he was jealous that Harriet was paying more attention to Elena.
I think I know which one it was.
Aww, I think Elena's going to miss her cats when she moves in with Tallie.
She made breakfast, in what I strongly suspect was an effort to show herself as capable and helpful.
Although outside in a snowfall at dawn was apparently a better place than among her loving family in a warm kitchen. Let's blame it on her teenagerhood.
Full-Metal Chef went out and scavenged a pizza on its own. Then it left it on top of a giant armoire in Sadie and Carter's bedroom, where nobody could reach it if they got hungry.
Danny went out to the first day of his career in fast-food.
Danny: :C
Please just can we not?
The good news is: Danny won't have to face the burger-machine dilemma.
Now he's cool enough to chill with his grandma and watch her play video games.
Aww no. Adelaide picked on Harriet again. :( And Lee, I know you're a secret super-hero in disquise as a repair-man, but I think you should probably wear clothes?
I think they need an additional barre, so Carter doesn't have to wait all night for his turn.
Poor Bailey, I don't think he enjoys snow very much.
Even the cats are confused who is who of them.
Oh no, not the murder bike! :( I forgot to take it out of Lora's room. Lucky for Lora, she was off to work soon after.
Hey, it's Almost Beardless Dumbledore! Daniel started his search for a wife at Tikki Tacky, where Albus was rocking out on the dance floor.
There were many familiar faces around.
sammyfrog's founder, Alan Duckling, wasn't opposed to getting to know Aylatani a little better. O_O
Elvin: Ohai, that looks like my naked mother in law. I'm coming in!
Aylatani wasn't up for that level of kink, but she thought Alan was major hot-stuff.
Back at the homestead there was a Liranda-sighting.
Behold our dark queen of sorrowful vengance.
Danny tried to make the most of his day off from work, so he headed out to Lucky's.
The first woman he met here was... Lorena? Actually no, her name's Velma and she's already rejected offers of ISBI life a couple of times, including from our founder Elliot. She's the exact same model as Lorena, though. There's also an alternative version of Marisol somewhere among the townies.
They didn't have chemistry, probably to SammyFrog's relief. x)
Falcon was there, and he was singing The Misery by Sonata Arctica.
The only one in the whole joint who Danny had chemistry with was Ettie, and that's not happening.
Then he couldn't go home! The evil witch was blocking his way to the car!
This would so have been the teaser, if the cats hadn't provided an even better one. That's Sammy's Mimi Dimwit in the middle. We're not subjecting her to another ISBI, don't worry!
There was one place left on Danny's list of places to check out before he went home to refill his sleep-bar. The House of Silent Despair!
I always think that it needs more trees and other landscaping to make it spookier, but I don't know. It looks so bleak and forboding sitting in the middle of nowhere like it does. Putting more stuff around it would probably lessen that stark emptiness.
Liranda was there too, and she was apparently meeting up with her grand-daughter Linimpa to exchange secret information. (Linimpa is one of the Juniors who Edgar has with Tallie.)
Karis Duckling was scaring the kittens outta Brandon Lillard.
Danny: Charming. Delightfully charming.
Liranda: The mystic light has descended. It is the sign we have been waiting for. Time to go home!
While the Apocalypse was looming outside, Danny finally scouted someone available for marriage.
Her name's Claire, and he thought she was quite appealing, even if she should never ever wear magenta.
As a back-up candidate he greeted Phillipa, who he also had two bolts with. Now he had two women he could call out for a date. It was time to leave before The House of Silent Despair fell into the dimentional gate it sits on.
Back home, Lee was giving a performance of Walk the Line.
Liranda was still there. She's a time-traveller, she can be in several places at once, after all.
Liranda: So the thing is, the Book of Edgar was never destroyed, like we thought it had been. It disappeared from the world for over a century because Andrina brought it with her to the future. Well, her future, anyway. Now that she's here, so is the book! Hooo boy does Edgar have some skeletons in his closets, probably literally!
Carter: But who wrote the book? Edgar is still very much walking the Earth, so it can't be a full biography of him unless it's written by someone from the future.
Liranda: That's another of our Secret Enigmas. No one knows! It could be anyone, even myself. Even you!
Carter: I have a thing for mysterious women!
Liranda is officially approved.
Elena was starting to lose it. Thank goodness she was getting closer to adulthood.
Liranda must have been recruiting the cats as her secret agents.
She bribed them with goldfish crackers. Does that mean she's corrupt?
No, no. You get paid for being a secret agent. As long as they just spy on Edgar it's fine!
And maybe keep a little eye on Sadie.
Sadie's sister Annabelle came by to see how things were going. She and Alice have moved in with Laurelin, in the house where the Starblooms spent their Victorian years.
Daniel cooked the traditional I-have-a-skill-point-now meal of steak and fries.
(If you wonder where I found the custom foods, most of them are from either AriesFlare, Eris3000 or Bienchen at MTS, or SimsAddict99 on TSR.)
Carter, stop it. Raelynn is gonna murder you for real.
Liranda: You two seem to have a very good relationship, just like me and Elvin.
A second after I'd taken this screenshot, I decided that I was really fed up with the colours of the rec-room.
So now it's peachy-orange with a light carpet.
Carter: It complements your skin!
Wolf: I wasn't going to eat from your trash can, I promise!
Vader: Don't worry. HUUUUHHHH. We have no protocol for canines.
So Beau should be safe then? They can't possibly...?! It's Beau Duckling, the world's friendliest guy! He wouldn't dream of stealing a new paper!
Oh gosh, Sammy! I'm so sorry! I have no idea why my game likes picking on Beau like this. He constantly gets zapped by lighting, but that is apparently not enough. :C
Well, crap. AI can be an asshole.
I know a couple of you have been wondering about the lay-out of the house, so I finally got around to taking overview pictures. Here's the ground floor.
The upstairs is mostly bedrooms. Top right-hand corner is Sadie and Carter's room, top left is Lora's. They'll probably have to share one of them when they're both widows. Danny sleeps in the small, very dark room for the time being, and Elena still uses the old twin-room.
The cats are absolutely crazy, and may they never change!
Then an interesting and terrifying event in Danny's life was about to begin. He was having a date with Phillipa.
It all started very prim and proper. They had their portraits taken. (Yeah, they have a photo booth on their lot. I've forgotten why. Taking pictures, I guess?)
Then Danny panicked and hid in the sauna.
I know most people think date pictures are boring, so I didn't take too many, I promise.
Kiss secured!
But nuh-uh, no caressing her cheek, thank you very much.
Then Danny really had to pee. This is how he got to the patio door:
Such a bright spark.
Then he succeeded in getting Phillipa mostly undressed and into the hot tub for some snoooogling. Bailey was studying the behaviour of his pet human closely.
Oh hi, here's Sean. I hope Tallie's built a house for her crew by now. Else he may regret moving in with them in the first place, and wants to take his chances as an uncontrollable.
Bailey is so freaking weird! I love him.
Phillipa: Uh, Danny...?
Danny: Mmhmmm? (I'm trying to say something, but my lips have frozen shut.)
Lucky for him, they have a sauna to thaw up in.
Defrosting together is very good for relationships!
Phillipa accepted his proposal to move in. Snogging followed. Danny decided to be brave and propose engagement at the same time.
Phillipa: MARRY YOU???? But I've only known you for two hours!
Danny: But you were okay with moving in!
Oh wow, LOL! The fail is back!
I had saved just before he popped the question, so I kind of... quit. It's one thing to want chaos, but Danny needs someone to share that chaos with. So yeah, that catastrophic proposal hasn't actually happened, kind of like how they're all actually not dead, although officially they are. What will happen next? Tune in suddenly to find out!