Hey there, readers! We're probably all locked up at home tonight, so maybe a small dose of nonsense can brighten the day a bit? This is the last proper update of Generation 5, which means that MK'la is about to take the reigns, with some assistance from
sammyfrog! There will be some bonus updates from Raelynn and myself, and some old friends may be making an appearance soon...! But first: The final chapter of Generation Five!
Narrator, get ready!
Hiiii, this is the Narrator. :D My school just closed down for the next three weeks, and I'm stupidly happy! I hope it won't affect my narrating badly because fdkjhdfkghdks!!!1! :D :D :D :D :D
Turf Star was also very happy to come home from school, because there was no Bingo in sight!
He brought this sad boy with him from school. Isn't he soooo cute? I get this weird feeling when I look at him, like we would have been really good friends if he was real. (But nothing more! ILU Trey, 7ever!)
Jetsam grabbed him and gave him a noogie to assert dominance, because he was raised by wolfs.
Derex atudied Level 10 recipes to distract himself from the sadness of having to put up two of his children for adoption.
Orbin thought Percy looked intelligent and open-minded, and he taught him to play chess.
Leona still went around stealing all the newspapers she didn't want people to read. Censorship is important to stop narrow-mindedness from spreading, Leona believed.
Quincy encouraged Rilly to have babies when she got married, because even if she wasn't an Heir she was still an important ambassador. And so would her children be.
Oh, and Buddy got promoted. Now he was at work when he transformed again, and he hated that.
But he felt really cool in his power-suit.
Sanjay from the Government was back, and his suit was beigely bureaucratic(sp?) and ugly.
Friday was busy to come to the Community meeting, despite there was a lot of kids to recruit that night. So Nettie led the meeting in his place, because she was the oldest person there. Nettie had a really bad messages childhood and didn't understand what all the school was about. She told Django's classmate that she could drop out and become a professional party guest too, and then she'd be famous enough that she could try anything she wanted. Nettie's very intelligent but she's not really smart. :( It's a good thing she has a stable family to look after her.
Turf Star imagined Ingo surfing in California, and it made him jealous!
Here's a Homework Hall picture for my grrrrrl-friend (platonically) MK'la, who loves watching other kids suffer like this, LOL!
Orbin: Ooh Tynice hAve you been dieting? Only your spine's left. I'm gonna bake you some cupcakes to bring the rest of you back.
Buddy was very worried.
Friday and Derex were pleased to see that Wakerilda Outlawe (Rilly for short) wasn't about to take any crap from Turf Star just because he didn't have her departed brother around to take out his aggro upon.
Poor Orin, he was one of those talented musicians who just lost it. His drug habit didn't help much, probably. Don't be like Orbin kids, he's very unhappy. :C
Turf Star: I'm glad I'm just fat and not a nutcake like Orbin.
Rilly thought it was all a little twisted. Fridag admired her youth insight.
And that was the end of the wolfpack for a while. Poor Derec and Butch couldn't handle all the howling.
Rilly: If you're not one of the Heirs who are going to have the next generation of babies on the Tropicana Island, you can come back here to the village and we can raise our children together as cousins.
Penless: That would be really neat, but I'm totally going to be Heir.
Then Turf Star came waltzing over to be an ass.
Even pacifists enjoy seeing a well-earned asskicking now and then.
Turf Star: This isn't fair! I only lost because I'm fat. >:(
Oh look, Marsha doesn't like him either!
Just so you remember, Tippy's in the Law career now, to support Friday's enormous responsibility in being the literal Law. That's kind of creepy to think about. Every time someone violates the law they violate Friday at the same time. No surprise he's been missing a lot of meetings lately!
Django: Mom you're finally home! Turf Star says that our pool is haunted because Moriarty died in it, and the water is all his ectoplasm we've been swimming in. :C
Quincy: Your brother's brain came from a stegosaurus, don't listen to his stupid dribbles.
QQ didn't get along with Andrea, because she's an unique unicorn and Andrea's a conformist in a grey t-shirt who still likes The Hunger Games.
But then there was great news! Orbin had archived his happily ever after! :D :D :D :D :D
Ted: I broke their sink, LUL.
Derex studied soooo hard. Oh, and my Hitler of an English Teacher wants us to write a 3k word essay while we're in quarantine! "It's only 1000 words per week, or 200 words a day!" Yeah, like I don't have better things to write?
Maybe I'll just hand in the essay I got a B+ on last year. Since I was officially not in Sophomore year until September, I couldn't have been assigned a Suffermore essay in March, I hope. So maybe that essay didn't happen to anyone except me.
QQ noogied Pebbels for being friends with the popular girls.
A wild wolf came up and wanted to play with them while they were having vegan breakfast.
It liked QQ.
The day dawned hot and grey and oppressive.
Look at this, it's headache-weather! And QQ was up all night so she must have had one.
They should probably just have stayed home and played chess, but it was QQ's final day of high school.
There was a lot of stuff to fix.
Oh no they fancy each other!
Quincy: You're so hot, I can see why you became a rock star. I mean who's Harry Styles? Who's my husband? You're really handsome in those tight pants and red coke-bottle glasses.
Look. It's Stella!
Tippy spent some time playing with her, but she didn't manage to get her to move in yet. They need some animal company around here!
Hey that's cool! Many really talented singers and musicians have started out playing in coffee shops and small venues like that. It was how Jeff Buckley was discovered, back in 1993. I get a bit dizzy trying to imagine living in a world set so far into the past, and perceiving it as.... you know, present day. But it must have been an interesting time to live in, even if they didn't have internet yet and no cell-phones in case they got lost. I wonder if a lot of people died who would have been alive today if they'd had a phone to call for help?
Moxie talked about her life as a successful artist. We should really see some of her home-life with Matias and their pets! Maybe after Bibi and Jimbi are happily settled into the family ways.
Unfortunately, Moxie had just been playing a gig, and you get really sweaty from that!
All the veggies turned out miserable. :(
Tippy: Let's make a court case for better suits!
Quincy: Hi, Manola. What are you looking like that for?
Manola: Me, I'm just out for a walk. Oh, where did your paper go, LOL!
Quincy and Django: You filty thief!
Tippy: My own niece (she's Studs' and Marisol's daughter) is temporarily banned from the community for a year!
Forgive me if I don't feel superbly sympathetic towards Turf Star. But my bby QQ is leaving. :(
Pebbles and QQ were still good friends when they didn't have headaches.
Awwwww, Nettie did it! I'm so happy for her! She's worked so hard for many years to become a better herself, and she's Happy Ever After!
Seven and Derex had a lot of dates (no pictures because boring) and could drink a few gallons of medicine.
A spontaneous street-dance group formed outside to celebrate that things were going much better for most of the members. Eisley Jean didn't want to join, but she thought it was very festive.
(She's Tameron's Sim, that's why she looks a bit weird.)
Tippy discovered how hard it is to make people follow laws and rules all day long.
Friday was feeling guilty about it, although it wasn't his fault. Tippy's an adult with a will of her own.
And then it was birthday time! For some reason this is the only picture from before the event.
Good enough.
It wasn't always easy being QQ, so she didn't have the happiest teenager life. But now she's going to start her own life and chase her dreams.
Her forehead was 60% of her face, because she had a ten-gallon brain! :D The community were soooo proud of her! But not of her dress, ROFL! That had to go.
Ted: There's a lot of bonding in this house, I think?
Jetsam: Don't you have regular clothes?
There's a lot of love and peace in the Community!
Buddy and Quincy wondered whether they should send Turf Star to live with Henway and his crew, to be their minion, but they eventually decided to keep him.
QQ dressed up for California Living and practiced reciting poetry. She was thinking of doing an Arts Major, or maybe something completely different.
The next morning they had a goodbye breakfast party.
Quonk Quotis: I will never forget what my family has taught me about relationships, and I'll continue to live by our values both in college and on the Island. I hope I'll be able to create communities there as well. And I'm so glad a whole bunch of us are going on an adventure together. It's going to be very exicting!
Nuffy had to repair the computer so she could book her tickets.
Then everyone gathered to say goodbye.
Quonk: To the train station, please. :)
She was going to take the train to Malaga, and fly from there to Paris. Then in Paris she would get on a plane to LAX. I did research!
Me too, darling. :( Me too. But I'm also really excited to read about her adventures!
Oh no, dilemms!
Not the summer camp! Don't let them make you have plastic surgery, Seven!!!!
The girls studied Couples' Counceling, in case they had to interfere in someone's business at a later point. Oh, and because they needed points to grow up in platinum.
Then Django was done with childhood. They remembered his birthday this time, because he'd become so much more noticable. :=)
That's Bingo's hobby plaque on the wall there. They put it up to have a memory of him, because he didn't paint a picture like QQ did.
Django's fashion disaster just kept happening.
He rolled Pleasure, and hoped his future GF/wife would be strong and fit and could do all the DIY around the house while he chilled. I almost hope he becomes Forever Alone.
Let's be MAD! :D Stage dive!
WHAT???? "Dave Mide" doesn't sound like "stage dive" at all! If his name had been Sage Clive, then maybe. I guess the pop-up Orbin got when he was promoted was right, though. No one had dived off the stage quite like that before. :(
The wolf was a big fan of Dave Mide. Orbin decided he had to reinvent his image and hope time forgot.
Then he had to go right back into the studio to play guitar on the recording of Belinda and John-Egon Sing Forgotten Ballade Treasures.
This is Belinda and John-Egon. Orbin had to record all the tracks twice, because the producer told him that fans of this duo don't appreciate prog-rock riffs and 25-minute solos in songs about handsome shepherds who throw themselves into the well where they fell in love with a beautiful girl seven years ago and realised they couldn't live without her.
Meanwhile, his mother had a heat-stroke.
Nothing could bring Orbin down, though!
Thank goodness they have many handy people in the house!
A vegan wolf started eating their flowers!?
Pebbles had a scary nightmare about a sleasy dude in dark glasses and a porn-beard.
This was Orbin's new style. He ditched the hipster-look and decided to surf the wave of nostalgia.
Jetsam was starting to accept his role as a minion, and he made food.
But he burned it.
He used his time well to annoy Turf Star while the law forbade physical altercations between a minor and a legal adult.
Orbin fulfilled his intelligence potential. :)
Butch: This reminds me of when we were newly married.
It made him sad, because Moriarty was dead.
Nettie: *ploooof*
Butch: Oh no, we gotta get you inside!
Buddy: Fffffffffffffaint.
Summers can be THE WORST!
A phew! She's out of the summer camp! And here's Michelle, who we haven't seen in some years. She's got her old hair back. Makeover time!
Yeah, maybe I don't like that lipstick after all.
Pebbles couldn't wait to go to Uni!
Buddy couldn't handle not being as logical as his primordial son, so he challenged him to a game of chess that maxed out his own brain.
Oh no! It's that guy from the nightmare, Harry Valencia. What was he doing here?
And Orbin really needed to go to rehab!
Buddy: Just a heads up: You may get a little sister. We may never see either of our little girls again, and we'll miss them.
Turf Star started getting a vision of what a disappointment he might be to his parents, and he decided to be better.
While the kids did homework, Orbin had a trippy dream about playing Polybius.
Jetsam didn't see the seriousness of the situation.
BTW, what do you think of Rilly's makeover?
Instead of the rusty bucket there was a hot-tubs out back now. Vuffy was deeply disturbed to find 14-year-old Stefania in it with Harry Valencia. Especially since he was telling her everything he knew about relationships.
A broken sprinkler drove everyone to despair.
Nettie: Despaaaaiir!
Butch: I'm wrenching as fast as I can, alright?!
Tippy didn't think her stupid client deserved to get paid for being an imbecile. Medical costs only. >:(
Oh boo hoo, she's rich. But seriously, that guy should just have been left to rot with his foot on his head.
It wasn't her LTW, so she didn't get Perma-Plat yet but that's okay. Quincy doesn't have to skill anymore, unless she wants another job. :)
Oh no, incoming storm of text!
Oh no, family court! D: That's where they decide who owns children!
Orbin was having some serious Deja Vu, but the crescendo was a hit the last time so he decided to try that again.
Did he need any more Creativity points? Anywhoooo, crescendo seems to be the safest option.
Yuss yass! Buddy's Perma-Plat! And he can transform at home all the days!
Here, we need a picture!
Orbin got back on the hit-list, and he brought secret government agent Sanjay Ramaswami home with him. Sanjay's still investigating what music turns people into serial killers.
A cute little tabby was in the front yard next morning. He was chasing his tail, because apparently he pretended it was Django.
Orbin started being nice to him, because maybe he would want to stay around.
He played with the cat and paid attention to him for several hours.
And then the puffy tat moved in! <3 <3 <3 His name's Leo. :)
It was almost time for Pebbles to leave home. She was thrilled and terrified at the idea. Rilly was RILLY bummed, LOL, because she'd lose another friend forever, and become the only girl left. Well not really, but the others are a lot older than her.
At least she didn't have to worry about her aspiration being low.
Picking veggies is very popular in this family, LOLOL!
Leo hadn't learned any manners, and when he sniffed that there were fish-fingers for dinner he got rude. x)
The previous Pumpkin Patch became a leafy greens garden, so Buddy constructed a new PP at the back of the house. In summer they're going to use it for melons, because those grow in the same kind of mulch?
Leo got a cathouse to live in, but he's one of those floor-cats.
BTW, Ted has orfinary clothes, but he doesn't have any consideration.
Turf Star wanted to follow in Buddy's footsteps and be a Gamer. Now he had a job to keep him out of the house and be less annoying!
Quincy was cool enough to be picked up in a helicopter for work now! Buddy was impressed.
The bill-boy wasn't the only one who showed up to be pesky that day.
Seven knew that sometimes you need to be a hero, so she climbed into the rafters and started sorting stuff out.
It was a bad idea, but it was still the right thing to do!
Nettie: You look a lot like my husband. Are you possibly one of the daughters I have with him?
Look, I know Nettie was kind of a non-involved mom for the oldest three kids, but that there's just sad.
Turf Star was already having trouble at work.
Lolaitan's part of the Ugly Suit Club (they'll get new ones), and she was interested in maybe joining the community as well.
Tessie invited herself to dinner, because it was chicken.
Tippy: We need to talk about your bad habits.
Leo: I only take orders from The Law. :3
His attitude will adjust itself in time.
Jetsam was about to grow out of his hideous shirt.
But his dad stole the spotlight. And Istvan came over to visit. :) They really need to get him and Bibijimjim in the same room!
Tessa broke their sink. :(
The summer was becoming increasingly dangerous. Derex almost got boiled in the hot-tub, and fell hard on the newly paved back patio.
And THIS is why Pebbles was having nightmares about Harry! She was worried he'd become her step-dad! That's terrible! Quincy, you need to do some soul searching!
Buddy: Whoooo, the cold water feels great!
Yeah, but it's your wife who needs to be drenched in it!
Anyway, Pebbles didn't have to worry anymore. She was growing up and starting her own parents-free life. ("Don't say that like it's such a good thing," my Mom is saying from behind my shoulder. Sorry Mom! ILU! But if you start having naughty ideas about a sleasy dude like Harry I'm putting myself up for adoption.)
This was Pebbles before....
And this was Pebbles after! She looks mostly the same, but her forehead got bigger because her brain expanded.
Butch had to be the Bad Cop and teach Leo how to behave. Oooh, and I like that dog! His name's Webster. They'll have to try to catch him!
LOLOLook at Jet's nose! He needed to have plastic surgery on it because he had that nasal-teeth issue. I'm gonna make it genetic, so his kids will get it!
And.... that was it? I didn't get any pictures of Pebbles going to the tazi? Oh noz! But that's okay. We'll see her and the others in college soooon! :D TTFN and Narrator out!
PS: There will be Bonus Updates, so watch this space!