FOGcon 5 -- Walnut Creek -- March 6-8, 2015

Feb 17, 2015 11:55

FOGcon 5 is coming right up! Pre-registration closes this Friday, so if you'd like child care or you know you want to attend the whole weekend, here's your chance.

Full weekend and day passes are available at the door, but child care is not. Banquet tickets are also available at the convention, but only until we run out of them, so if you'd like to dress up fancy, dress up strange, or dress up exactly like you usually do and attend the fabulous Unaward Banquet (delicious food, great company, and minimal speechifying) on Saturday night, I'd recommend purchasing those in advance.

Come to FOGcon! Meet fascinating people such as our Guests of Honor Catherynne Valente and Kim Stanley Robinson! Check out our exciting programming, with panels ranging from Alternate Universes to Fake Authentic Folklore Improv to The SF/F of Suburbia and a new track of experimental kids programming on Saturday afternoon. Hang out in our amazingly well-stocked consuite, chatting and snacking into the night!

If you are thinking "Yes! This sounds amazing! How do I sign up?!" head to Registration and fill out the little checkboxes. If you are thinking "I already did that! How can I get more involved?" e-mail and let us know how you'd like to help! Staffing the registration desk is a fantastic way to meet people, hosting the consuite is great for night owls, and helping out in general will earn you our eternal gratitude and a nifty sticker to put on your badge.


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