THANK GOD, its the fucking weekend...I thought I was gonna fucking diiiiiiiiiiie this weeeeeeeeeek...OMG!!!*exasperated sigh*Ah, well I can sleep in tomarrow and sense it is the weekend, I can finally curl up on the top of the couch and look out the window at all the pretty snow (ja, I realize I'm strange, but it relaxes me, so shut up! XP). Did I mention the snow and freezing rain? Well, you see, the snow was great, first really snow in all season, but the freezing rain sucked ass. One, it kept me up all night Tuesday, Two, It made the snow freeze into ice and three, make the trees rain giant chunkes of ice. Damn the wind to hell. The snow day on Wednesday was amazing too...
Other then that, my week sucked. I flunked my history and science test with fly colors, I got really sick, pelted with a dodge ball in the boob really hard(but don't think for a second I didn't go right out, I pelt said dick with the same ball in his dick, then went out), got sick (yay for stomach viruses!! XD), etc.
LOOK AT THAT!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!