Year End Meme, Review Time!

Dec 27, 2010 23:45

1. Was 2010 a good year for you? Why?
2010 for sure had its up and downs, but over-all I would say it wasn't too bad of a year

2. What was your favorite moment of the year?
Going to dinner with folks at Buca Di Beppo at FCN, Good Foods, Good Friends, Good Times... The rotating pope was something else!

3. What was your least favorite moment(s) of the year?
Having my heart broken twice by the same person

4. Where were you when 2010 began?
At a neighbors apartment, surrounded by many good friends

5. Who were you with?
Deramin, Bob, Madius, Cola, Frost, Firey, Tyler et many others

6. Where will you be when 2010 ends?
Probably the same place, with the same friends :)

7. Who will you be with when 2010 ends?
Same as above :)

8. Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions of 2010?
I don't keep them, so if my new year's resolution was to not keep one, then I did keep it....

9. Do you have New Year's Resolution(s) for 2011?
Probably get in better shape >.>

10. Did you fall in love in 2010?

11. If yes, with who?
Im sure most of you know

12. If yes, do they know?

13. Are you still in love with them?
Not anymore

14. You regret it?
I don't regret the good times we shared, just hated the heartache I had to suffer

15. Did you break up with anyone in 2010?

16. Did you make any new friends in 2010?
Plenty of them :)

17. Who are your favorite new friends?
Happy Fox Nick, Mr Dad, Raspberry Roo to name just a few

18. What was your favorite month of 2010?
I enjoyed July, world cup was on, nice weather....shame about the results from the tourny!

19. Did you travel outside of your country of residence in 2010?
Only once this year, poor for me!

20. How many different states / provinces did you travel to in 2010?
Only 1 :/ and that was Michigan.... lame!

21. Did you lose anybody close to you in 2010?
Not in a death sense, in a best friend, yes

22. Did you miss anybody in the past year?
Very much so

23. What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2010?
Toy Story 3

24. What was your favorite song from 2010?
Nothin' on You - B o B

25. What was your favorite record from 2010?
Plastic Beach - Gorillaz

26. How many concerts did you see in 2010?
I didn't see any :(

27. Did you have a favorite concert in 2010?
Nope :(

28. Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2010?
Not enough.... :)

29. Did you do a lot of drugs in 2010?
No drugs, im a clean sammy :)

30. How many people did you sleep with in 2010?
Thats rather personal

31. Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?

33. What was the worst lie someone told you in 2010?
That they didn't intend to lead me on

34. Did you treat somebody badly in 2010?
I did, and looking back I feel kinda bad about it

35. Did somebody treat you badly in 2010?

36. How much money did you spend in 2010?
Too Much

37. What was your proudest moment of 2010?
Setting a savings goal and achieving it :) Now just have to build my finances back up again!

38. What was your most embarrassing moment of 2010?
There wasn't anything in particular I can think off, im sure some people can remind me of some time.... probably when I was liquored up!

39. If you could go back in time to any moment of 2010 and change something, what would it be?
Really, there isn't something I would want to change. Things happen for a reason, no sense in changing the past, always look to the future! Carpe Diem!

40. What are your plans for 2011?
So far, the only concrete plans I have are that I will be visiting England in March for the 1st time in almost 5 years, and I shall be collecting my new fursuit in July/August :) Anything else is up in the air!
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