On a purely selfish note.

Aug 05, 2007 12:32

...wait, where is my 'restore from saved draft' option?

I'd just written a lovely rant about how 6 Apart make me wish I had a well reasoned and articulate arguement along the lines of this one but all I can do is claw at the air, snarling "Wankers! Fucking wankers!" when the lj server mysteriously disappeared. Now I can't get the entry back again. wtf?

Bollocks. I'm starting a GJ. Frank can kiss my white ass.

I don't even create fic or have a paid account and I'm so pissed off about this. Fuck you, 6A, if it wasn't for LJ I wouldn't even know I loved slash fanfic, I would never have found out I'm actually a good HP beta and I love doing that too; you can't open up an entire world to someone and let them build a place for themselves and establish relationships and then just smash all that up!

You know what you should be selling in the Virtual Giftshop? Pitchforks and flaming torches.

I'm posting this before the server goes again. Please go to
fandom_counts and be counted if you haven't already, and 
fandom_flies has a lot of good info too.

*gnashes teeth*


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