Oct 31, 2002 11:10
Last night I went to the meeting to watch the tape of rowing. It turns out that it wasn't just any tape of rowing, it was the 1992 Olympics! Oh my gosh, those people are so cool. I have found what I want to do for the rest of my life. Well, not as a job or anything because there is no big money in rowing. In fact, most of the people who row are professionals, like lawyer and doctors because you have to have money to have the time to row. In fact, one of the women who was sculling (that's when a person has two oars at a time) got her PHD from Harvard in Neuroscience! How cool is that? So most of these professionals wake up to in the morning to row or go after work. I still have a chance to be in the Olympics! I always thought that my only chance would be to pick up archery because of the disadvantage of my age and lack of training for other sports. I still have a few years to pick up my rowing! I'm so excited. I will definitely keep this up.