Sep 30, 2010 05:32
I changed my journal layout. I am really liking the bloggish styled ones. I really like how the background on this one looks like wallpaper. I have been working a lot of hours lately at my teaching job but I am loving it.
Am I the only one who thinks that September came and went rather quickly? Tomorrow is October first already. On the third I have my first pot luck dinner/ business discussion with the other teachers from work. Wish me luck on that one. I work with some really nice women and a few that are a bit difficult in some ways and that is about the normal. The thing is I haven't worked in a place that did these kinds of things before and I just hope all goes well with the business end.
I hope you all have been doing well I will be updating more again now that I am back in the swing of things and more used to my new schedule.