Awesome Fanfic Recs!

Feb 21, 2015 22:24

These are some ficlets that a friend of mine wrote for me and decided to share. Please check them out, enjoy, and maybe send a little love her way! ;3

Are You Proud of Me?

Oneshot. Kotetsu's onesided conversation with his late wife, Tomoe.

Fire vs Ice

Oneshot. Blue Rose and Fire Emblem relax and chat after a Hero TV broadcast - the topic: Wild Tiger.

Always the Last to Know

Oneshot. Brother Fic. Muramasa was always the last to know when it came to Kotetsu.


Oneshot. Barnaby can't help but worry about Kotetsu with only one minutes use of his powers. He has to look out for him to make sure he doesn't wind up hurt.

fanmade: fic

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