Looking for a specific fic

Jan 06, 2014 00:12

Hello all!

I have a question to ask of people here. I got into the T&B fandom a little while back, and as I tend to do, binged on fics. Also as I tend to do, I was completely scatterbrained and failed to bookmark a lot of good ones. Since then, I've been retracing my steps and adding bookmarks, which has the added bonus of me getting to reread good fics... but there's one I haven't been able to find again. So I wanted to ask if anybody here would be able to point me in the right direction.

The fic in question was one that diverged a little bit from the final episodes--possibly written while everybody was waiting for episode 24 to come out? I'm gonna put a description behind a cut because of spoilers.
It included the fandom variant of H-01 who looks a lot like Kotetsu, rather than the robotic face it really wound up having. The basic gist of it was that Barnaby was somehow incapacitated, so Kotetsu was having to face down H-01 on his own. Possibly Kotetsu and H-01 were locked in a room together? And only the victor would emerge. So, the one who comes out of the room victorious is wearing a red shirt and Bunny's all "OH NO OH FUCK IT'S THE ROBOT" but really it was Kotetsu who borrowed H-01's shirt so he'd be able to fool Maverick or whoever was watching.

Sorry, it's not a great summary, but if anybody knows the fic in question, I'd really appreciate a link! My google-fu is weak and for the life of me I can't figure out how I even found this fic in the first place. I feel like I was following a chain of fanfic rec posts... I feel like I've read every Kotetsu-centric fic in this fandom, haha!

Thanks for your time!

EDIT: found~! <3 <3 <3
link in the comments for anybody curious.

discussion: question, fanmade: fic

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