Hi! I know I'm new here, but I just wanted to ask the people who are members of "The Phantom Hive" livejournal (cause you can only access it only if you're a memeber), that if you didn't know, please vote for the Tiger&Bunny doujinshi to be released on Friday the 20th. Currently, Hitman Reborn is leading by 17 votes so far, so we need a lot!
http://lpscanlations.livejournal.com/127550.html#comments Um, in case this is not allowed, I also wanted to ask a possibly personal question for you all. You can answer if you feel like getting into a discussion or if you're bored.
Who is your favorite character and pairing? Please indicate your age if possible or if you're an old time anime lover or just getting into it.
The reason why I'm asking is because I was curious about something I noticed. Back when I was getting into anime, I used to like the whole shojo-ish main characters are were "cute" and probably have some dark background. But as I got older, I started favoring older characters who were not always the main character and whom were more "realistic". If you can't tell, I'm a Kotetsu fan.
I just wanted to know if I'm the only one who feels this way or if it's just me.
... Hmm, I should try posting fanart next time. Just to be productive.