I have just recently purchased some Tiger & Bunny doujinshi by the doujinshi circle PINK POWER.The doujinshi that I am going to scan are these five(I already have 2 of them and the others I am waiting for): ( List of Pink Power doujinshi )
You're my hero!! I love all Pink Power's work. Thank you so much for share it, I can, if you want, clean your raws, I have experience in it. I have the Mayu Shinjo's doujinshi and other of circle Kuchibikura sandanju.
Omg I tooootally wanna see the first and last ones! Are there furigana? (of course not...) Also, how long of a story are we talking about, each is a complete ~200 page volume or...?
Hiya! I'm the head of the scanlation group Chuu Translations (http://chuutranslations.org) and I've already done a couple of Pink Power's doujinshi (and you can see which ones listed on the site). If you'd like to scan them, my group would love to translate them!
Is that possible? I have a 11 T&B Doujins that I bought, are mine and I wanted my group translated into Spanish, but we need an experienced translator. We can clean up the scans and editing. By the way, I'm the manager from Diyaoi no Fansub, we remember? Some time ago, we asked you by permission to translate his work into spanish. And who wrote you, was another manager, Bitxu, sure you remember her. I'll write an MP to arrange details.
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Good luck in your request!!
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