Things that are pleasing me currently

May 14, 2010 16:52

Someone at a forum I frequent online proposed a 30 day experiment in which we eliminate complaining, negative thinking and dwelling on what we don't like. I decided to participate.

So in that vein - here's some stuff that is making me grin here lately:

- My new (to me) car - I'm really liking it. Dare I say I like it better than the mustang? Ok, I will. And the mustang had been my dream car. Now don't get me wrong - I did greatly enjoy the Mustang and I get a little nostalgic when I see other Mustangs and I do miss that yellow color (the color was what put the car in solid dream car category) - but there are things I like more about the new car. So all's well that ended well in this case.

- I got free food today. Well, technically I've paid for it - but it was a mystery shop so I will be reimbursed. And man was it the gooeyiest of cheddar cheeseburgers. Mmmmmm, cheese. And damn was my server FANTASTIC. It is so nice to get sincerely wonderful service. And since it was a secret shop - he had NO clue that this was being evaluated - just goes to show that he's just that pleasant all the time. I made mention to the manager how great the server was AND I raved about him in my evaluation. I hope this guy gets rewarded from it.

- Feeding off the above - I do enjoy getting to rave about good service. It doesn't seem to be done enough (people have the tendency to vocalize complaints but don't get around to praising the good folks).

- I did another secret/mystery shop after the free food one. I will be reimbursed for CANDY (weeee!) that I had to buy and getting some cash on top of it.

- Got my refund check from my auto insurance. (I had to switch my homeowners and to get the good rate they offered I had to switch my auto as well. Which was fine as I got the exact same coverage for almost the same price. Since I'd paid the 6 months in full with my previous carrier I was due a refund. And it came quick!)

- I am getting The State dvds via netflix. I admit I will copy them. Well, the first one wasn't working that way. I watched it and turned out there was some flaw and it would get hung up at one point. I reported it as not playing right and got another dvd. I got that today and it copied beautifully! So woot - I will have The State on dvd soon! (4 more discs to go!)

- I freakin' love the site stfu, parents. Yesterday - someone nominated one of my comments for the Pimp Chalice! I am uber excited and honored. (The site gets tons of comments and the blog owner gives an "award" to the best comment of the week. The "award" is the Pimp Chalice plus a post about the winner - it's just a picture of this pimped out cup but damn I'm excited to have been nominated. Oh - and someone has seconded the first nomination.)

- Saw a preview for the upcoming season of True Blood. I am mucho excited.
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