
Jan 16, 2005 18:51

for anyone who doesn't know, for sball we have to work at the eagles games as security. if you've ever been to a game, we're one of the people in the yellow jackets that pat people down and then stand in the stands watching the crowd. we're security basically. it's the worst job in the world. i kid you not. at best it's okay, meaning we're in a spot where we can atleast watch the game. but most times its not. seriously. the worst part is pat-downs. philadelphia fans are jerks. seriously. imagine all those people who go to the tail-gate parties for a 1pm game. they start drinking at 9 in the morning, if not earlier. thus, by the time they get in line to go in the stadium they're pretty drunk. and of course, they all show up at exactly 1pm and they all bitch and moan that they're going to miss kick-off b/c  we're taking too long to pat-them down. why don't you stop drinking 10 minutes earlier so u don't miss the game instead of cursing at us? seriously, they are soooo rude. and stupid. they try and sneak things in... lauren and i found weed last game. one time a father tried to sneak in 6 beers on the waist of his 5 yr old son. it's amazing. and then of course, there's all the guys hitting on us. the guy security people pat-down the guys and us girls pat-down the guys. every other guy when a guy fan walks by we get a "hey, why don't u pat me down too honey?" or something of that nature. it's funny maybe the first couple of times. then it gets old. and when the drunker guys come stumbling up to us and try and hug us, it's jsut gross. they reek of beer and or gross. don't forget that it's cold outside (yesterday's game the temp. was 26 degrees) and then sometimes its raining. the other people that work these games can be such assholes too. my one supervisor yesterday called me and some of my teammates "hoes".... it's really just such a bad experience. we don't even make that much money workign the games... it's like $49 a person on the team and it goes right to our team money.

i should stop complaining but it just gets to me sometimes. atleast we're going to california for w/ the money we're making so hopefully we win some games and have a good time.
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