Mar 12, 2003 21:36
I am having one I am so bored. The most exciting thing that has happened today was my 6 hour site update. Wooohoooo. Can you hear the sarcasm? lol. Then Angyl started walking me through making a dress. She says it turned out good, but for some reason I can't see the folds. Angyl says she sees them, but I can't. I can see the one's in jeans and shirts, but not the dress. :( I only finished the dress, then I put it up. Then I tried to work on Batman. Did his cape. *shrugs* It looks alright. I only finished the cape and then put him up. On to the third doll. I haven't even finished the outline of the dress. I go to start and then suddenly don't want to do it anymore.
I posted to my OLRPG today. I only got three posts in. Got bored with that too.
I suppose this is the best place as any to So many things to get off my Anyhow. I feel so bad. I haven't spoken to a friend of mine online in about a month. Well, about a week ago I jumped onto Yahoo just to see what was up with him. Well. I IMed him and he didn't answer but his long term girlfriend IMed me and (to make a long story short) said she was just about to leave for work and asked if I could email her cause she needed to talk to me. I did. In the email I said "what's up?" About 12 hours later I got a response. This is what it said. "The first e-mail you send me in a long time and all you say is "What's up?" Thanks." Well, that kind of set me on edge so I didn't get online again and haven't since then. Angyl got online and talked to her. It kind of ticked me off. Yea. I understand there was probably some hurt feelings and they were probably feeling that I was/am ignoring them, but Angyl and I both told them I have ADHD and can kind of be quiet for days.
I suppose what started me being quiet on my RPG group is that we had so many problems with some of the members. It was one right after another and it caused my stomache to act up again. I'll be damned if I am going to have another bleeding ulcer over something so small. Yea, part of it is my fault for letting it get to me. But, it's not all on Especially when it got to the point that everytime I posted I was being questioned and my posts were being nitpicked. Nitpicked so much that it would result in a three day discussion and explanation. That's when I decided not not post so much. Because I was (hell I still am) afraid that my posts are going to be picked apart. I suppose I just got fed up with being questioned as to how I ran/run my group.
Then I turn around and this friend of mine is being a jerk. Yup. I'm looking at it from both sides. I should have been jumping onto Yahoo and talking just for a little bit. And even though I am going to rationalize why I didn't, I still know that I should have gotten on just for a few. I stopped getting on so much, because I started getting "slammed" for posts, ideas, thoughts, some of the changes, etc.
Sometimes I HATE having ADHD. It's very hard to keep friends, especially when they don't understand that sometimes I will just be I hate being
Now....Yup there's, I've been thinking about opening a shop in the Underground, but I don't think I can do any All I can do is pants. Wooooo (there's the sarcasm again) everyone has to wear pants. *sigh* Oh well. I'll do some more thinking about
Anyhow. I would say I'm going to get my ass in gear, but breathing is boring me at the