The frustrating thing about watching Shield Hero anime is how they totally ruin a good character and turn him into a good protagonist in the anime. The book character is real, he has hate in his heart, he feels pain, you have a sense of his mortal existence being in danger and his moral growth is not a foregone conclusion. The anime version is a guy you can love and get behind, a saint in the everyguy clothing. The guy who has troubles and feels bad, but you know the world will give him what he needs because he always sides with what is right and true.
The anime turns a character who is relatable and somebody you want to root for because of vague and complex emotional reasons into somebody you want to root for because he always does the right thing when the going gets tough. You would root for the book version even though he doesn't do the right thing, but would you root for the anime version if he didn't? Nope, all of a sudden he would become a weak protagonist and ruin the story.
The problem is that the written story is often more complex and you can see the gray areas, whereas the moving pictures doesn't have the time to explore internal motivations and nuances and so have to stick to more general archetypes. That means either you are good, or you are evil, or you are an NPC.
Same thing happened in GoT. You had a character who should have been a lot more complex simply because of the insane plot arc she had to go through become the savior archetype and then suddenly switch to the dark side and become the main villain in 2 episodes. That might not have just been a TV writer's lack of talent (though I suppose there is some of that), but more a drawback of the media itself.