Why do people write like this?

May 22, 2009 15:30

A person e-mailed our store e-mail account about wanting to return a textbook he ordered from us. Besides the traditional in-store sales, we also conduct online sales via Amazon and Half basically books that the school isn't using. Our sales are good, but sometimes there's the occasional return.

So, today I was reading this one person's e-mail, and immediately my head throbbed:

It's ok my son have already bought the book that he wants frm the ebay. So I need to sent this book back to you. Can you pls tell me how can I do that to get back my refund.Sorry for odering the wrong book frm you.

As the grammar robot from The Simpsons would say: ERROR....

I get that people write differently online. I mean, I do, but IMO there's is no excuse for bad spelling (that's why spell check was invented.) And this e-mail was supposedly written by a parent---holy shit. Whenever I read something like this, I taste bile. Maybe I grew up differently, but online or not, is that really how you want to present yourself by showing people you can't write basic sentences, that you can't spell basic words? I don't know...I think it's just me.

tigediane is off the deep end

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