Two Ways to say Gee

Apr 05, 2009 10:24

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Okay, PBS, if you're going to remake any show from the Sesame Workshop (or as I like to call it Children's Television Workshop. I don't know why they changed the name.) library, please remake 3-2-1 Contact or Square One TV because the reason why the new version of The Electric Company exists is due to kids getting dumber. Last I heard, math and science isn't doing so hot either. The least you can do is put those shows on DVD. You put The Electric Company and Sesame Street on DVD. Why not 3-2-1 Contact?

BTW, I don't hate this version, and I know some people do because it's not the show they remember from the 70's. When will people learn that any remake will never be the same as the original? Granted, I didn't grow up watching this show, although my parents claim otherwise, so my opinion may be invalid for some. I maybe caught reruns, but I don't have any recollection of being OMG excited because the Electric Company was on. I was more excited at 3-2-1 Contact being on (Square One TV not so much because it involved math, and math was my sole enemy in elementary school.)

Whatever you do, PBS, please don't remake or put on DVD 3-2-1 Classroom Contact aka the bastardized version of 3-2-1 Contact. I remember getting so pissed whenever Classroom Contact came on because it wasn't the real deal.

God, I hate Youtube's widescreen embedding. It looks ugly. OIC, it only looks terrible in the preview.  
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