Welcome to the Jungle

Oct 19, 2008 12:02

Finally, after days of procrastinating, I finished updating my resume. I'm ready to GTFO of my job. I know finding a job is much harder now than it was months ago, but anything is better than the hellhole I'm in now. I hate working retail and I hate my boss. He's an unfunny version of Michael Scott from The Office.

I'm going back to pursuing my dream of getting a professional writing job. I came close several times---you may remember the auction house saga earlier this year, or the medical editing job I interviewed for a year ago (God, has it been that long?). How about the Hotels.com travel writer job? I don't know if I talked about that one, but it came to the same conclusion.

I also don't mind having a side job writing for a blog where I'm constantly under deadlines. Gives me much needed motivation. I also need to write more sample material as I've been lacking in that department. My writing journal hasn't been updated since I started the job.  My sucky job keeps me busy. It's funny because when I'm at work, I'm bored because I'm finished with my work quickly. I try making up little projects that keep me busy. Plus if the boss sees that I'm lingering around the store, He'll get on my back. I hate when he does that.

I'm ready to move on.  I don't think I can handle another month of the job.
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