I love me some free food

Jul 25, 2008 21:07

I've written so many negative posts about my job. So, how about mentioning a positive, a perk if you will, about my job. Sounds great, no?

Last week, a timid man entered the store carrying a box. I was too frazzled with buybacks (it's that time of the summer when students try to sell their textbooks in hopes of a bountiful cash reward) so I didn't notice him quietly tip-toeing his way to the register.

"Hi," he said, "I'm from across the street. Please have some donuts on us."

The man owns a donut shop near by the store. He gave me a box filled with all kinds of donuts and his card. Free donuts. Awesome.

And this past Wednesday, a man came into the store carrying a large box filled with sandwiches. I got a free sandwich. It was a small sandwich, but a decent and delicious small sandwich. Free lunch. Also awesome.

As you may guess, one of the perks is free samples of food. It's actually the only perk I can think of. I don't think the newly acquired low self-esteem counts as a positive.
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