I'm Back. Miss me?

Jun 22, 2008 00:26

I got back from vacation this morning at 3:30am. Ugh. The trip back home took longer than expected. Oh, how I hate road trips. I have so much to discuss about my vacation, but I'll make a separate post about it with pretty pictures.

Seems I missed a lot of internet stuff while I was away. I didn't take my laptop with me because I have a strict no laptop rule. So as soon as I got home this morning, I checked my e-mail and voice-mail. I still haven't heard anything from the lab job. They were supposed to call me this past week, but no response. I'm going to call them on Monday just to see what's going on. I also got an e-mail from Wizetrade about submitting a writing sample for an online marketing writing position. Unfortunately, the dateline already passed for consideration. I'm not sad, though. I already have a job that I start on Tuesday. I'm quite scared about it.

2008 vacation

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