Brownies, Really?

May 24, 2007 20:26

I watched the local news today, and there was a story about a family whose house and car were  vandalized in a hate crime. Apparently, the family is both Christian and Jewish so some idiot  (or idiots) decided to spray paint various insulting words on their property. I really don't understand why people do this. Both religions worship the same God. Its just how they worship God.

As if the hate crime wasn't enough to make me upset, a neighbor knocked on their door and gave them, as a condulence gift, a plate of brownies. Brownies? Why not offer to paint their house or help pay for the paint job on their car? That would have been better than tonight's dessert. It's worst enough that your house is vandalized by assholes, but to have someone come to your house and say "Here, brownies. We bought this at the supermarket for you."

I really think the TAKS test should be abolished. When I was in HS, I had to take the TAAS test, an older version of TAKS. I felt it was a waste of my time. It doesn't teach you anything. I understand knowing "things" before you graduate high school, but all that information will just go away. In college, you don't need that information. Your test results are just there for placement purposes. Also, it really depends on the person. Like me, I hate math, really hate math, but I made good grades in my college math classes. Its just how you study for the class that helps you succeed.

Yes, you should know how to write. Yes, you should know what a paragraph is trying to say. And yes, you should know algebra even though you never use it in your daily life. But there is a better way to judge this. That's what grades are for.

Kids have enough problems as it is. They have colleges to apply for, final exams to study, and family issues. Getting rid of one test is not going to mean the end of education.
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