"When X suffers, I suffer..."

May 18, 2007 23:01

Okay. For the past SEVEN hours, I've been trying to beat MMX1. I've already mentioned how much of a bitch the spider was to defeat in the first level of Sigma's fortress. Well, try beating Sigma's final form.  Damn, its hard. Worst of all, I can't save my progress meaning if I turned off the system, I would have to START OVER again--through all four levels. Kudos game producers for making the game challenging.

It took me one hour to pass the three fortress levels. Not bad considering that the Spider, Ranga Banga (sic), and D-Rex are not easy by any means. Also, add in the Mavericks you had to beat in the game, and you have a highly frustrating time. But I did it.  Good for me.

The six remaining hours were focused on Sigma himself, or should I say his final form which is some sort of wolf creature. At first, I had trouble on Sigma's light saber form--I had to use two subtanks to defeat him plus losing all of my Electric Spark energy and resorting to the Homing Torpedo instead. Good news: I learned how to avoid his energy-draining attacks through practice. Bad news: I still haven't been able to do the same for his final form.  I can now see why some people say the game is not easy.  On two occasions, I ALMOST made it. One time, I did really well (I was way into my fatigue stages by this time), and I managed to get Sigma's energy down to TWO levels. But, silly me, I forgot to refill my life energy and I lost. I will never forgive myself for that.

The sad decision had to be made to pull the cord. After playing the game continuously for a long period of time, I couldn't do it anymore. Don't call me a quitter, though. Someday, I will defeat the game just not now. Besides, I didn't have a life for a week because of this game. I stopped my job search because of this game. I will perfect my skills, trust me.

At least I got that far, right?


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