How to make bad situations into good ones:
So, I had to shovel the driveway again, but this time, it was a beautiful sunny day so I put on my bikini, put on some decent music, and went to work.
I multitasked!!
-i shoveled the driveway
-i got a tan
-got some anger out (by chopping at the ice caked on to the driveway)
-i got a work out!
my parents sent that pic to the local newspaper!! if for somereason the pic above doesn't show, you can go to to see it.
Why VW's rock:
-they are cheap, but still high quality german cars
-It was VW day at Bretton Woods, so I got free ski tickets, free food, and free NASTAR racing. I schooled my Dad in NASTAR, even though I don't have the handicap of being a little kid like I used to.