(no subject)

Feb 07, 2005 16:51

Woah. Tres bien weekend! had a great time at K's on saturday, despite getting ridiculously merry on 3 glasses of wine (yes i was slurring and looking like a general lightweight). But much chopping was done - and my sticks were so much better than anyone elses. Dont even TRY to argue.

Then spent like the whole of yesterday with Gollie...eep I have a man. I feel so comfortable with him, its unreal...just being able to lie there with someone and not say anything, just fall asleep and be content...its what i always thought it would be like to have a boyfriend but never thought i'd find. yet theres something thats holding me back - i cant quite let myself go. i can't let myself fall for him.

currently listening to wires by athlete and waiting for my robot to finish. i love this song so much...its so beautiful.

things aren't great for a lot of people at the moment. all i can say is that my thoughts are with you - you know the rest.

love you xxx
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