Oct 28, 2007 22:52
For once, and without hell freezing over or anything, I had a date! I'm such a sucker for military guys, they all have that hair I love and the uniform alone assures the tough guy look. He's this sweet Vietnamese guy, young (relatively) and already a sargent, and I ended up spending nearly all of yesterday out with him. The age thing is odd, he's in his twenties but that's as far as my knowledge goes. And I'm taller than him in heels, which throws me a bit. But he's pretty much the sweetest guy ever, and so easy to talk to. And that's pretty important considering how painfully shy I can be.
I know it's been forever since I posted, but until very recently, there's really been nothing going on. I really hope I grow a real life at some point, I'm getting awefully bored and frustrated. Well, it's late, I should sleep. Bye!