Yeah, so didn't make it through flist and after running around all day long am about to drop and will try again tomorrow. *whines* I didn't even get coffee until the afternoon!
Anyways, I know y'all just want to know so chat is below with a couple of links added in.
In which Tifsuz is PWNED
tifsuz26: DC?
darnedchild 's status is now "Here. Sort of. ". (6/13/07 9:56 PM)
darnedchild : Tif?
tifsuz26: Okay... I logged on to check email and glance at flist before bedtime and
your stuff startled the crap out of me!
darnedchild : hee, sorry, is
blog like it's the end of the world daytifsuz26: You suck
tifsuz26: I hope you know that
darnedchild : you're supposed to blog the zombie attacky thing
darnedchild :
tifsuz26: I thought OMG - terrorists! or something with the base thingy - Glad you're okay and sorta want to kill you
darnedchild : i tagged it zombies
darnedchild : there was a link to the blog like its the blah blah day
darnedchild : sorry
tifsuz26: I no awake. Long day, didn't even get coffee 'til like 2:30
darnedchild : aww
tifsuz26: I should have kept reading and I was all - Devs talked to her earlier right? But WTF!?!?!
tifsuz26: At least I was worried?
darnedchild : I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Just wanted to play along with others on my flist and write about scary things I like to write about
tifsuz26: hee - nah, just feel kinda stupid
darnedchild : thanks for being worried. I figured it was crappy and not terribly believable so no one would think it was real
tifsuz26: I was kinda - WTF? This doesn't make much sense, maybe she hit her head or something but it sounds so freaked out - why the hell is she taking time to tag shit. So now I'm gonna have to fess up on LJ that I got pwned - oops, forgot to hit return or something
darnedchild : lol
darnedchild : there were some really good ones on my flist today
tifsuz26: and then I go to bed. Was going to do the invite but made the mistake of sitting down in the living room and watched Biggest Loser on style and am exhausted
darnedchild : and beck linked me to one person who was all "These zombie posts suck. You people suck, making me worry."
tifsuz26: hee