Get your own spectral analysis from Area 23® Remember the Flying Car of Death? Two nights after that occurred - just hadn't gotten around to sitting down and typing this out - I seriously considered never leaving my house again.
Just about to head out the door while doing some RP when
devsgma tells me that
missmiah's character has posted a response. I came back to read it real quick, figuring I'd be back momentarily and could formulate my response in my head on the short drive.
missmiah of course, is an excellent writer - I end up sitting down, responding and chatting some more first.
Ran over to the closest small town to get a pack of cigs - saw a Sheriff's Office car on road right by gas station. Paused, figured they must have pulled someone over there and pulled into parking lot.
Only to be stopped and told they had a 'situation' by Deputy. They are fucking being robbed and the Sheriff's Office had just gotten there in time to prevent me from entering. So - a little "argh!" on the drive back out of town - same way I had come in - there's a State Patrol Road block where there hadn't been one before.
Heart stop.
tifsuz dead.
Nah, not really.
So I had to stick my arms out the window while reassuring this Trooper that I was the only one in the car, he came over with his flashlight, looked inside and I let him look in the trunk before getting my, "Thank you for your cooperation ma'am. Have a good night."
So yes, after all that had happened the past few days, I'm sitting driving to the next town - soo thought about going home right then and there, but in definite need of a cig after that - thinking, 'I've been ma'am-ed! He fucking ma'am-ed me! Never leaving the house again! The Flying Car of Death - and now if it hadn't been for
missmiah's well timed response - I'd be in the middle of a robbery right now!'
My favorite response to when my incredulous self got home and sat down to tell chat what the hell had just happened?
"Dude! RP totally saved your life!"
Have been out and about several times since, nothing else has happened - but I'm keeping my eyes open!