There's nuns!
People at work sure like to drink a lot. Every story starts with "last night at the bar..." I often come in to open the cafe to find open bottles/cans of alcoholic drinks, which is lovely, at 5 in the morning. Soon I will not be opening the cafe anymore, and I'll just be baking 5 days a week. It's time to do fondant, candies, layer cakes, cheese cakes, quiches, turnovers, you name it. I'm gonna dive into a new world of baked goods and learn everything I can by reading and experience.
I'm excited/nervous for the holidays. Family makes me tense. Any family really. It was a rough one last year, I don't know how much better this year's going to be. Depends on sister's moods. Ay yo, God, tell bitches to be cool this year. Thanks.
Franny is still cute. Built a coffee table out of about $40 worth of a books and a found piece of sturdy glass. I've now decided to go book crazy, as The Ark on Lincoln is closing down, and Tif makes the most of it. $20 books for $1 bitches.
I'm going to build a kick-ass wallpaper for my room.
I feel I curse unnecessarily and I like it.
Sleep time,