Jun 17, 2008 13:25
I gripe all the time about being too busy, bc I'm crazy booked, but when I look at weeks in terms of what I have going on on my weekends- Moving date is just around the corner!!!!
this weekend- FREE (dentist apt/ lesson/ hiking/ Newburgh) thats right, I had to schedule a free weekend.
The 28th- TC home for tag sale/ RS to CYM
The 5th- TC home for July 5th party (if you're going to be in the area or just looking for a good time- come to Lancaster PA for July 4/5th Its going to be awesome (pool, volleyball, horseshoes, liquor, etc. :) )
The 12th- Big's wedding :) Rs home from CYM on 13th
The 19th- Week before my last week of work (!)
The 26th- Matt Gayles Welcome home shenanagans.
August 2nd- I peace the fuck out of dirty Newburgh and start my life upstate again! Yay classes. Yay time. Yay running and singing and piano and hiking and fiddling and Erik and fresh air and house and snow and the 46 and Potsdam! YAYYYYYY!
23 days left.