so close, yet so far away

Aug 26, 2003 19:22

so its my last year here in undergrad at jmu and the second day of classes and already i've dropped 5. i guess it sounds like a lot. well, it is a lot, but i've added classes too so i guess it all worked out in the end. just moments ago i added what i believe will be the last class i'm attempting to pack on this semester and so with my class schedule completed it is comparatively satisfactory. i'm taking organic chemistry which in itself sucks, but there's a new professor who seems eager to teach and kinda more on our level since he's less than 3 centuries old so i think that it might not be that bad. o-chem lab is another story, Dr Gray might be the death of me. *ha* i'm also in medical terminology which i am hoping will be as easy as i think it could be and pass by just as quickly, child and adolescent health which seems like it could be at the least mildly amusing since we get to interview kids and use cheat sheets on the exams, sign language which is just another cool way for me to communicate with patients in the future and elementary ballet . . . yeah i said ballet. stop laughing. seriously. i really like the class and since its been forever since i've taken a dance class *i mean forever literally, i've never taken one* i thought i would just try it out. the girls in my class are awesome and there's even two guys who have never done ballet before who are joining just to try it out. Ü
all in all that's my schedule. i'm just hoping it works out. sign language is the only one i'm really even mildy considering dropping and at this point it still sounds fun so there's no need to rush into things i guess. with 15 credits i am now able to attempt making the dean's list. lol i just thought i'd mention that, not that its going to happen, but its dam worth a try.
i have to take the GRE's and begin applying to PA schools in the very near future, which in and of itself will be a lot of work but i'm eager to find out what will happen. i may end up taking a year off to volunteer and get more direct patient care experience, and if that happens i may try to study for 4 weeks with Dr Sutton overseas in May for more credit hours, but since i'm going to new zealand this christmas it may not happen. i guess we'll have to just wait and see. I am so excited for this christmas though, its going to be so much fun going back to the waitomo caves and seeing auckland and the countryside in new zealand again. i've definetly missed it.
other than my excitement for the nearest break and the fact that we have a totally cool new roommate and jennie's birthday is next tuesday and mine's coming up in less than a month, not much else is going on. can't wait for my birthday craziness and since it falls on a wednesday and our weekend starts on wednesday its just gonna be more off the hook!
i'm glad to be back here at school with all my favorites and all my super seniors for our last year, but i miss my baby more than the desert misses the rain, and i'm totally looking foward to the next time i can see him again. i definetly need a better phone plan lol.
*love you so much babydoll*
~ good luck to all my dolls going back to classes ~

*Being grown up isnt half as fun as growing up, these are the best days of our lives*
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