Feb 20, 2010 12:00
something about my feet. what about my feet? had a conversation with my mom this morning. my fourteen year old sister enlightened her to the fact that she hates men. she hates sex. and she can live without men. she doesn't need a man to live. i hope she makes up her own resolve. gets the strength to really look out for herself and do what is best for her. i hope she ends things with kenny, like really soon.
this has me thinking about how much the idea of kids being like parents was shoved down my throat growing up. "alcoholism runs in your family... when you grow up in a slum, you perpetuate the slum... if you are abused you become the abuser."
i feel more empowered than ever that this is not (always) the case. so far, my life looks nothing like the lives of my parents. but when it comes to more intrinsic issues, like sexuality, i WAS afraid. what if i am doomed to a sexuality like my mom's? what if i never enjoy sex, or am afraid of men but somehow co-dependent at the same time?
i am not afraid of this anymore. it is so clear to me that we each have our own issues and experiences that form us. mine is not my mom's, or my dad's for that matter.
i think young souls are given old souls as children to help guide them.