Money, Money, Mon-ey...

Jun 28, 2004 22:42

The scarest thing of my life happened today!

..Last night I went over to Brookes, we woke up this morning and we had to go to her doctors appt. Well everything was going good. I even got to see Ms.Chorkey =D I love her. Anyways, Brooke had to get her blood taken.. well she was terrified to begin with..but she did it anyways...b/c she really had no choice..well after it was done the lady took the needle out.. and Brooke looked like she was going to throw up.. well she didn't...she fucking turned gray as can be.. it's a color I can't even describe.. she just melted and started to slip out of her chair.. By this time Lana (Brookes mom) and I were both, not crying..balling, screaming, hysterical.(sp)..At this time Lana was out in the hall way screaming.. I was in there with Diane (the nurse) and we were both smacking her in the face trying to wake her up.. trying to make sure she was going to be okay, hold her in her chair, so she doesn't fall out.. She was out for a good 10 mins, that's the thing that scared me the most, I know she only passed out.. but in the back of my mind the whole time i'm thinking.."what is she doesn't wake up, what the fuck am I going to do..If I lose her I won't be able to make it, I'll go crazy..." So we just kept talking to her and trying to get her to come back....After she came back.. she kept wanting to fall asleep...her eye's kept rolling back in her head and she kept turing that horrible grey color again. It was def. the worst thing that I have ever seen.

....God it scared the shit out of me. I can't even explain how she looked or how I really felt. But I love her, and I'm SOOOOOOOOOO glad that she is alright!! =D

I love everyone else too.
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