Things you should know

Jun 08, 2004 19:35

I like summer..but I hate winter..I like ice cream..but I hate cake..I like the grass..but I hate snow..I like volleyball..but I hate soccer..I like him..but I hate her..I like DVDs..but I hate movies..I like Saturday nights..But I hate Sunday nights..I like school..but I hate the work..I like driving..but not to farr..I like him a little to much..I want school to end..but I'll miss everyone so much..I want a boyfriend..but being single is always fun too..I love Florida..but Michigan is my home..I like basketball..but hockey is better..sometimes..I like up north..I can do what I want..I like Rachel..she's so honest..I like Sarah..she soo funny..I like brooke..she listens..I miss Megan..Leah..Cristie..Diana..Chelsea..Felicia..Emily..but we all get new friends..I miss middle school..sadly..I miss Mr.G..I miss Central football games..I miss Saturday night movies..I miss freshmen volleyball..I want to go to New York..I can't wait for North Carolina..or 4th of July..I want to go camping..I want to be able to sleep in..and not get in up the moring..I want to hangout with you everyday..but I don't always get my way..I want to be able to do things and not care about what anyone says..I wish my self esteem wasn't so low..I wish people thought I was pretty..I wish I was older..I wish that you liked me..(if I havn't said that already like a million times)..I wish I was closer with youu..I wish that you didn't like her..and that you still liked me..I wish I got a new phone..I wish I could be happy..I wish I was as pretty as youu..I wish I didn't care what other people..I wish people could live forever..I like him..but he likes you..I don't like when I have to take a test..I dont like when I fight with my friends..I hate fighting with my mom..I hate getting up so early..I hate the snow..I hate cold weather..I hate boys..I hate who I am..I like text messaging..(so text me)..I fall hard..I get hurt easily..I hate liars..I'm shy when I first meet you..I'd rather go putt putting on a first date then out to dinner..but dinner would be nice sometimes..I have love handles..that I dont like..I fall wayyy to hard at times..It doesn't take much to hurt my feelings..I like jones soda..I hate red pop..(except for code red..of course)..I can't live without Brooke, Rachel or Sarah..and I hope the Pitstons CRUSH the Lakers!!!!

I could go on more.. but your probably already sick of hearing I'll finish the rest some other time.
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