"heyyy good-looking"

Jun 03, 2004 17:21

So yesterday was my brothers graduation. It was a lot of fun. It really wasn't as sad as I thought it was going to be. And it went by a lot faster then I thought that it was going to. I got to see Cody which was really nice, even though I was with him last weekend! It's all good though, because I got to stay home from school today!! So it was a niceeee day offf :)

Today was actucally a really nice day. I woke up around 10:30, actucally my mom woke me up. And then my mom, dad and I all went out and went grocery shopping, and stopped at a friends house, went out to lunch, I got my hair cut, and we even did a little garage sailing.. haha. I got home around 4:00. The day was nice.

Raych, that's VERYYY exciting who called you!!! :) I KNEW that he was going too..

Bj, Thanks for you voicemail!!! :)

Tomorrow, I have to go to Grand Rapids, it's for my last vollleybaall tounrament. Kinda exciting... but yet I'm really happy that it's over. We are leaving around 7, so hopefully I'll get to hangout with Raych and Sarah and Brooke before I leave. We're taking little Ford up, so it'll be a fun ride. God she so cute!!

We'll that's about it I have to get ready to go to volleyball becuase I have it in like 20 mins.

K, love you bye.

.. today was a nice day off.. too bad I didn't know Rachel was home all day then I could have went over there and hung out with her all day. Damn.
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