Second Day at Barcelona!! Hotel Tryp Apolo!!

Jan 03, 2010 12:10

Heeyaaa everyoooneee!!
Right now I'm so tired and I want to sleep...but I promised you that I'd tell you what I did today,
so since I'm such a nice person, here I am sacrificing myself for all of you...
just joking, I love you guys ;D.
Well, let's start then:

At morning, we first went to our I.N.C in Barcelona, it was a bit far from home, so we had to walk a little...
walk at 7:20 when I just woke's horrible...¬¬
Then when we arrived at the I.N.C, I was was so much bigger than our I.N.C in Ibiza...
and so pretty too, there were much people and they sang, perform and do a lot of things better than us!!
I was so excited and a little down at the same time, 'cause we can't do things like that in Ibiza...u.uU
Anyway, something that made me angry there...was Bream.
He has a lot of friends there and a lot of "GIRLFRIENDS" there too!!!
He was so nice with every girl that I was astonished...always in those moments I think:
-"That's really unfair!! Why is he so nice and gentle with other people while with me he's like a demon!!!?¿?¿?"
And to add more, the girls LOVE him!!!
What the...?¿?¿?¿!!!
In those moments I think:
-"Maybe that's because they don't know the true Bream that he is...he only shows his tru self in front of me and our closest friends"
Weell, leaving that now, while I was angry with Bream and the other girls, our parent were practicing their performance
for the programm at the Hotel later,
and it was so funny!! I couldn't stop laughing, they were singing and dancing, and my mum was like a statue,
doesn't moving even a finger!! xD.
When we finally finished at I.N.C, we went home to take breakfast and prepare ourselves for the programm at the trip.
My Ate (like a big sister) did my hair and gave me a gown, it was the first time that I ever dressed something so formal (and uncomfortable too) and it was so hard to me to move or walk (no 'cause I'm fat huh?¿).
They all told me that they didn't recognize me (I understand me neither) and that I was very beautiful (I understand this ;D)
At the Hotel Tryp Apolo, we had our funny program and eat a lot of High Class food...really delicious!!
I loved the food out there, except the vegetables you know...
Ona thing that I didin't understand was about Bream again, lately since we arrived at Barcelona, he didn't leave my side,
he was always next to me, to help me or that I didn't got lost...
That was so strange about hime, sometimes he even left his friends to come with me...
Astonished moment nº2...
Lastly, when we ended all of this at the hotel, we went straight home and slept...(well I'm still awake for you guys), 'cause we're so tired...we were at the Hotel from 16:30 to 12.05, ALMOST ALL THE DAY!!!

So now since I'm so tired and I finished telling all of this I'm going to sleep...
Good night everyooonee!!

victory, food-lover, holidays, tiffy's life

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